Saturday, April 30, 2011

How to stop itching scalp, using remedies to scalp free you can do at home in Minutes

Films and itchy scalp is a proven complaint by up to 70% of the population at one time or another.

Itchy scalp is irritating, sometimes painful and can lead to scalp wounds or scalp of buttons.

Some common symptoms include:

Leather scalp lumps
Scalp wounds
Chipped scalp (films)
Skin rash
Hair loss or thinning of hair

There are several things you need to know if you go in the treatment of leather scalp itching, including:

Common causes
Used to soothe and heal the problem
How to maintain a healthy scalp & hair treatment

Let's cover causes the first. The main causes are:

1. An allergy or reaction to the ingredients of hair as sulphate. Sensitivities to sulfates are very common to many people that are just using sulfate (and a few other ingredients) free shampoos will clear a problem of scalp in a week.

2. An imbalance of fungal bacteria on your scalp due to the use of antibiotics or use a hard shampoo which natural sebum of the bands s in your head leaving it vulnerable to fungal invasion. It is a common cause for film.

3. A food question where you allergic to certain foods. If you have skin problems as well as scalp problems, then it is a sign which is may be a related problem of food. It is a rare cause.

4. Stress is another cause as it effects your immune system - if you already have causes 1 or 2, then stress will amplify the symptoms.

We turn now solutions you can do and apply to the House to save you money and relieve your scalp in minutes without.

Then, how you can use natural remedies to alleviate and treat conditions of the scalp?

Using natural oils: natural oils contain powerful antibacterial, anti fungal, healing and soothing properties similar to pharmaceutical products used to treat diseases of the skin, without the potential side effects of commercial products.

When you mix together specific oils in the right quantities, you can create a powerful remedy for treating scalp dry scalp itching, films and even eczema or psoriasis.

Oils such as neem, lavender and tea tree are all two anti fungal and soothing itching. This applies to scalp of complaints, but bites, scratches and rashes. Add tea tree oil to your shampoo in the amount of right is a way to transform your shampoo a film shampoo.

The addition of ginger, Rosemary, peppermint tree and tea to your formula oils helps stimulate new hair growth if you clarified hair hair loss.

There are so many remedies, you can use to treat your scalp more quickly and more efficiently than most anti-dandruff shampoos and scalp treatments. They not only deal with the problem but also the condition of your hair and relieve any discomfort soothing your scalp itching, sore or tender.

It is important to know what quantities to use in your formula to treat your scalp. You can even create a very beneficial remedy with a wizard in repair of scalp line to design your own remedy of the scalp custom in a few seconds.

Once you have processed, you can keep it using other formulas as a conditioning of the scalp treatment once a week and avoiding the ingredients which may have caused it in the first place.

There is a soothing shampoo scalp remedy based containing no sulphates and which help to repair the damaged scalp and hair follicles. Using these in tandem with soothing use scalp at home, you can quickly and easily to deal with almost any condition of the scalp while saving a ton of money by using natural remedies to scalp you can do at home.

These remedies can also be used for many applications for the wounded of the skin, treatment of beauty & hair and cleaners even as home that reduce fat and disinfect the surfaces around your home.

Source:scalp acne remedy

Dry hair and scalp dry Type - boards take care of and the way to shampoo

Dry type of the scalp generally goes hand in hand with dry films. How to care for this type of scalp?

First, shampoo should be done in a special way. Hair must be protected of the pressure of the water inside parties of hair - course water shampoo gets in layers of hair and push of the Interior, thus hair loses its texture, the swell, they become hard brush. Bloodies and persons with dry hair and split ends knows what it feels like. There are two main ways to protect hair from this situation.

First of all puts hair on sale mask and dry hair shampoo before. Mask can be applied with the hands as usual, or brush hair colouring. Carefully put a mask on each lock, but he put on the skin, because it is dirty. While the application hides each lock should be well rubbed with the hands, in the end, it must be very smooth and texture seamless so that the fingers can easily go thought hair with no barrier. Put the mask on the hair if you short length or average cut, if your hair is long mask only on the parts of damaged hair. Then shampoo your hair. Water temperature should be degrees Celsius for 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit of 104-122. First soak your hair slightly carried away mask and then shampoo your hair with shampoo for dry scalp twice. During the first shampoo wash the dust and style of leftover hair products, do not massage the scalp while first shampoo so that dust will not succeed not in your skin. Second shampoo should be done with cleaning the scalp massage. Extra water should be wringed to scales of hair. If after shampoo, you feel it difficult to brush your hair, you should keep the previous mask more than 30 minutes. If any previous mask you wear a hat of shower and wrap your head with a towel of the effect of mask will be two times better. You need to shampoo your hair with method describes each time if hair is very damaged. The recovery process, the procedure must be made as preventive measures.

Second protection and take care of way applies mask for dry hair and scalp after shampoo. Mask should be applied as stated above on the hair and scalp. After you waited the required time - depending on the pack or 15 20 minutes for home made masks, try emulsification - pay on your had with water and silks with the fingers. This procedure will increase the nutrition absorption. Clean up the mask using only water.

Scalp massage is highly recommended for scalp dry type. It promotes the gland to develop and to revitalizes the skin, improve its condition.

Source:scalp acne remedy

The use of the dry scalp - what you should avoid and what really works

Be aware of any use of the dry scalp does not list their ingredients. Or, worse still, look to see if they list Sodium Lauryl sulfate or Sodium Laureth sulfate. SLS is in shampoos more medicated, but he is also a degreasing ingredient in most automotive engine. Sodium Lauryl sulfate has been shown to increase the aging of the skin, inhibit follicular growth and healing and more. Yet, it is an ingredient in approximately 90% of the medicated shampoo that is found on the shelf at your local store for shopping.

Some natural remedies for dry scalp contain oil jojoba and tea, but they can also be applied to the scalp in their natural form. That saves you money. Jojoba oil and tea are only two ingredients that can be used the dozens and dozens of natural ingredients that will work so much better than a commercially produced product. Much more secure too. Remember the additive of Sodium Lauryl sulfate? Natural remedies are much safer to use that we will say... engine degreasers.

Most of my dry scalp remedies consists of things that you probably already have in your kitchen. If this is not the case, while they are at one of these biological food stores or even your standard grocery. Some you will have to special order, according to your requirement, but none of them are very expensive. The ingredients should take you a long time because most of these remedies requires only small amounts of a particular ingredient. In addition, each recipe calls to different quantities of ingredients and some calls of recipes for different ingredients together. Each dry scalp condition is treated differently in his own symptoms and will be customized for each biological efficiency of individuals. Sounds like much work, but the results are unparalleled by any invention available produced mass.

Dry scalp may be caused by many factors such as environmental conditions, diet, hormones, overuse of weather, medicinal shampoos or stress and is characterized by itching, peeling and sometimes increased hair loss. The cause biological chronic film primary is generally associated with Malassezia yeast, a type naturally fungus. The fungus requires FAT to grow, which is that produce your sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands are located in the upper part of the body. Including your scalp. When the fungus grows too quickly to feed on secretions of sebaceous glands, the natural renewal of skin cells is disturbed and film displays with increased itching. There are natural remedies to get rid of this problem.

A dry scalp not only makes your leather scalp itching and scaly, but also makes your hair appear dry. While many factors may trigger a scalp dry, it is mainly caused by the lack of secretion of the sebaceous glands in the scalp. While this case is the opposite of Malassezia yeast growing too rapidly, you will always be itching your head and probable more signs of films will be present. It can be confusing how two completely opposite causes can have similar effects, but none of these conditions is without natural treatment.

There are a number of home remedies for dry scalp that can help you to get rid of the problem of the scalp dry. All available to a dermatologist at the counter at the pharmacy, or in your own kitchen cupboard. The ingredients found in your own home or at the grocery store page will help combat Seborrheic Dermatitis, psoriasis of the scalp, fungal infection, and even head lice. Just as effective or more effective than the standard store purchased in bottle stuff.

These dry scalp remedy may not be on the shelf of the hundreds of dollars, but I assure you that they will work, if not better. Natural is always better for you than altered substances or chemical products. Not just for your hair and scalp, but just about anything else you come into contact with. Think of food for example. Household maintenance products or. Natural is always safer for people. Sometimes surprisingly efficient more too.

Dry scalp remedies work well hydrated and leather processing scalp itching. When properly mixed and applied, there is virtually no condition may be improved or cured. Most of the dry scalp problems are caused by one thing. Each person will probably cause slightly different, followed by a different but suitable treatment.

Source:scalp acne remedy

3 Natural home remedies for a scalp dry

When your scalp is dry, it may feel tight and itching. Films often associated with dry scalp appears not only in your hair but falls on your clothes make you hesitate before bringing a dark color t-shirt. Here are some natural remedies to help you get rid of the dry scalp for good.

Apple Cider vinegar

Rinse your scalp with Apple Cider vinegar. This vinegar will help restore the pH of your scalp. Just mix vinegar and parties equal water. Pour the mixture over your head and it in your scalp massage. Leave on your head for about fifteen minutes before rinsing. Don't worry about the smell of vinegar. Once your hair dry vinegar smell will disappear. You can do once or twice a week to relieve itching and keep the amount of snowflakes that you down.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a great moisturizer, and can be used on a scalp dry. Apply approximately 1/2 c. tea of oil to your scalp when get out you of the shower. In your scalp massage oil it will help to soak in. You can do this daily. You may need to experiment with the amount of oil you use. You must get enough oil on your scalp to hydrate it without your greasy hair research.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can also help to calm a scalp dry. You can buy a shampoo oil tea tree of your local health food store. If you essential at home tea tree oil, you can also make your own tea tree oil shampoo. Simply add 2 drops of tea tree oil per fluid ounce of shampoo you use normally. Use as often that you wash you the hair to help relieve the drought.

Source:scalp acne remedy

Friday, April 29, 2011

How to get rid of hair and scalp dry

That has not suffered from scalp dry or hair at one time or another in their lives. For most of us, this can occur on a weekly basis. Dry scalp can lead to what either leather scalp itching in films. The reason for that happening likely is because your body is producing much sebum. Sebum is oil that makes your body to cover your scalp and hair.

Try not to wash your hair more than all the other days, this can take the natural oils and make your body more to produce. Also touch your hair as little as possible, that it will be reducing oil production. When your hair washing gently massage it, do not rub hard. When you choose a look of shampoo for something that is free of sulfate. This will be fresh on your scalp and prevent from getting irritated.

Locate a leave in conditioner obtain additional moisture. Also stay away from styling products of alcohol based, these will dry your hair even longer. Blow dryers, flat irons and players are ok, just stay away from chemical treatment. They will dry your hair more and cause irritation. If it extremely hot or cold where you live are trying to use an oil to help add this humidity environment has been removed.

Trade shows can be very expensive so try everything you can at home first before going to one. Usually hair and dry scalp can easily be fixed. Don't forget your hair and scalp is like any other part of your body, you must protect to keep it healthy.

Source:scalp acne remedy

Dry scalp - Causes, treatments and home remedies

People tend to forget that our scalps are an extension of our skin. The skin on our heads may also (and often) have problems demagogic, including drought and chipped, the scale, the pain and skin rash. This article will focus on the scalp, as is often the starting point from which begin many other scalp conditions. What starts as a scalp moisture deficits can evolve by being itchy and flaky and then go to inflammation, wounds, injuries and lesions. If the problem remains untreated and worsens again, he may request medication.

Causes: Although some people incorrectly associate a scalp dry to have oil or sebum overproduction (and generally use hard, drying, medicated shampoos to correct the situation), an arid region of the scalp occurs in reality when these natural oils have more stripped. It is in fact not enough moisture.

In our hair and scalp oils are produced by glands Sebaceous as a means of protecting our scalps of prejudice and irritants. When we use harsh shampoos / products hair or beauty, bathing in hard water, or are exposed to environmental factors excessive, we can remove too much of the protective oil on our scalps. Sometimes diets can also contribute as well, or we have an allergic reaction to a chemical.

To dry home remedies and natural treatment of the scalp: It is very important to remember that an angry, itchy or irritated scalp is essentially an injured and sensitive skin. Make sure that you treat as such to avoid chemicals (especially those containing sulfate of beryl ingredients sodium and sodium laureth sulfate (also known as SLS.)) Check the labels on many scalp treatments well known may surprise you. Many contain ingredients used for the cleaning of furniture or carpets, and is not really appropriate for sensitive skins.

Be very careful not to scratch or seek your scalp. Avoid shampoo with water that is too hot and the lowest possible turn your clothes dryer low blow for the parameter.

Natural, non-prescription home remedies or treatments for a scalp that is too dry can be cheap, easily accessible, incredibly efficient and secure. Over time, it can also help to restore oil to la health of the scalp and hair and some of the previous damage reverse in la skin.

Examples of some popular ingredients for the home of the scalp remedies are tea tree and oil neem (which also have antiseptic properties), lavender, Chamomile, eucalyptus, lemon and the coconut oil and peppermint.

Each of these examples work better for different types, textures and colors of hair. You can customize your home resort to your particular situation by combining several ingredients applicable. This can be very powerful and healing for your scalp and hair. Generally, the ingredients you choose are added to a carrier such as jojoba oil. These are generally quite cheap and easily accessible.

Although it may hard to believe now, with the right ingredients (adapted to your situation), you can get quick and extremely effective relief (and hair thick and healthy) without having to spend a lot of money. What you do yourself at home will be usually much cheaper and more effective and will be free from harsh chemical products which has probably contribute to your scalp condition in the first place.

Source:scalp acne remedy

Home remedies for women hair dryer

It is a fact: women love their hair more than anything else. Everything should be done just to have healthier hair. But what happens if you encounter the phenomenon called "dry hair"? Dry hair is really difficult to handle, and it is shameful to walk around to expose the dry hair you have. But fret not because there are several dry hair home remedies you can do easily.

But first, let us know the causes of dry hair. The first is, dry hair can be caused by environmental conditions such as overexposure to the Sun. When we take a bath, too much chlorine in the water may also be our dry hair. It is not advisable to be attached to chemical hair products, hair treatments and calming hair because it can lead to damaged and curly hair.

Hair dryer is not really of the moisture and oil which he needs to be in good health. Dry hair can be generally irritating, and it can also be a symptom of certain health problems such as malnutrition. A malnourished person does not have the necessary nutrients to have healthy hair, it can also be a sign of deficiency in omega-3, anorexia, or self-hunger stops a person to have a hair shiny and bright, hypothyroidism (the body produces too little thyroid hormone and the hyperparathyroidism.) Having too little parathyroid hormone, which causes blood levels of calcium in the fall and phosphorus to rise).

Before you bored are some home remedies for women who have hair dry. You can try these remedies at any time at home.

1 Magic Mayo - Mayo is not only important in making sandwiches. It can also be good for the hair. You must heat a cup of mayo, wait its oily fate and apply to your non-washed hair. You need to cover your hair with a plastic up to 15 minutes is complete. Finally, rinse your hair and apply shampoo carefully.

2 Eggs goes first-Split yellow and white of egg and beat the egg white carefully. Add a spoonful to soup of water for egg yolk and combine until it becomes smooth. Mix egg white and egg yolk. Wet you hair with hot water, get rid of the extra moisture and apply the mixture to your scalp. Rinse in cold water. To do this several times. Keep rinsing until no egg is left for account.

3 Fruit - Fruit can also be useful. Crush a rotten lawyer and a banana over - ripe. Apply to your hair up to 15 minutes. Then wash.

4 Cold beer-beer is not just for the stomach. Put a small amount of beer in a plump bottle. Before make you your style hair, spray some on it.

These are some of the simple home remedies that you can follow but mostly these you must have a healthy lifestyle. Sec home hair remedies can be very useful, but nothing beats a healthy start to the coast. Avoid over shampoo. It is preferable to use the shampoo once every two days. Use conditioner regularly. If you go out, wear a hat to cover your hair from the Sun. Go to the show regularly to get rid of split ends. And wear a swimming Cap when he swimming in chlorinated water. If you do these things, you'll never need to home remedies.

Source:scalp acne remedy

Dry scalp - I'm Normal?

This time of year, many people have complaint their dry scalp flakiness and itching all that white. DON'T WORRY STEP-YOU ARE NORMAL! Our scalp lacks moisture, it must remain hydrated this time of year.

Climate change so does the temperature of our work and home environments. As we begin to disable our fans and air conditioners to light our heating appliances; in the House or the car moisture is eliminated in the air to leave our skin and dry hair. Think about it! The skin on our arms and legs are very dry at the time of the year and very flaky. We use a lot of moisturizer to help control this daily. On the other hand our scalp is continually covered by our hair and not so easy to put on lotion.

Make sure that you are posting off the coast of the dead on your scalp skin. An excellent way to do this is by starting by a warm temperature valid water to open the follicle. After application of shampoo and generously cleansing fingers, nails step forth, use a brush of downwind and for example. This method will help loosen the dry skin and help exfoliate your scalp. Make sure that you use a shampoo and conditioner moisturizing. Do wash your hair just, wash your scalp. I know it's not fun but this can be done is little common due to weather conditions we experience this time of year.

When you begin to dry hair, you see white flakes for the first week, but it is a good sign that your efforts are emotional. If you are seeing yellow snowflakes on your scalp, then this means that the bacteria is present and you have films. It is a condition of the scalp and you must use medicated products to control that. So rest easy while knowing that almost everyone you meet has some aspects of the dry scalp so now!

I recommend using a moisturizer and revitalizing shampoo. Try one that is all botanical by companies such as Aveda or Pureology. It will certainly result in a significant difference in your first week of use it! Stay warm and be nice to your scalp like you these beautiful hands, arms, feet and legs this season! Don't forget that you are NORMAL - except that now you know how to be different!

Source:scalp acne remedy

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Effective use natural home remedies for dry scalp

The scalp has sebaceous glands which produce oil. When oil production decreases and is not sufficient to keep the scalp moisturized, it causes the condition of a scalp dry. It is a skin condition. The skin of the scalp becomes dry, scaly resulting from itching. It feels tight and uncomfortable.

The feeling of itching may cause embarrassment. This sensation of itching is due to the scaly skin. These flakes are different from the film. Film is due on the secretion of oil or sebum by the sebaceous glands while the scaly skin is due to under these glands oil secretion. When the skin is stripped the natural oils that it needs, the result is a dry skin. In this State, the hair becomes dull and fragile. He easily detach and can lead to hair loss.

Weather conditions may be responsible for scalp dry. The season of winter and dry air causes this condition. Lack of moisture in the air can lead to dryness of the scalp. If not treated, this may lead to more a more serious condition such as eczema or psoriasis requiring treatment.

There are various reasons for having a dry scalp. Overuse of the shampoo is main causes. Chemicals in a shampoo remove natural oils present on the head. Other factors are the gels, colors, sprays and chemicals used on hair. Regular use of style AIDS such as hair and curlers dryers also causes drought. This condition can be genetic or hormonal changes, dehydration, stress and deficiency. Some drugs may have the condition above as a secondary effect.

Home remedies can be used for getting back a healthy scalp. There is no negative side effects of the House for dry scalp remedies. Some of them are listed below, try these and see the result.

1 Coconut oil: regularly apply coconut oil. Keep for a period of time before washing off the coast.

2 Jojoba oil: Jojoba is beneficial and provide little moisture.

3 Vinegar: Add little vinegar hair rinse water.

4 Lemon: Lemon juice can be used to clean the scalp.

5 Tea tree oil: tea tree oil facilitates the removal of flakes and scales.

6 Lavender: Lavender oil reduces the irritation caused by itching and flakes.

7 Neem oil: Neem is very effective for skin conditions. She has fungal properties. Neem leaves can be crushed and boiled. Wash with water. Apply the scalp neem oil.

8. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera gel can be applied directly to the head. It provides moisture and a relief of itching.

9 Lawyer: Counsel is a natural moisturizer. Rub oil of lawyer and keep for a period of time.

10 Of olive oil: hot little olive oil and massage gently in scalp.

11 Massage: Massage oil on a regular basis improves your blood circulation and gives the scalp dry of the relief form.

Eat a balanced diet well rich in vitamins and minerals. Drink plenty of water each day to keep your skin hydrated. Use a mild shampoo to clean hair. Avoid all chemical products and treatments of color. Increase immunity and eliminate toxins from the body.

Source:scalp acne remedy

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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Monday, April 25, 2011

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Interview: Hair no evil - The Tribune Express

Dr. Rene Rust, a beautiful scientist based in Germany. PHOTO: Advertising KARACHI:

Rene c rust is a beauty scientist based in Germany and a member of the European society for hair research. He began his career at Procter & Gamble (P & G) where he developed a few skin care, anti-aging products and cosmetic products to colour, before moving to care hair and scalp.

Rust is currently visiting Pakistan. The Express Tribune, met beauty scientist to learn more about hair care solutions and the role a dermatologist plays especially at a time when the problems of hair loss are on the slope.

Generally, what sort of problems occurring hair?

There are all sorts of conditions of hair that cause problems. As the hair grows, it tends to age.

At least fall of hair for the major issues as the hair fiber break-large that results in the appropriate hair fall.

What are the most common problems hair that come you across?

Yet again, there are a variety of problems, coming on. Particularly shine and gloss to the surface of the hair gets destroyed. Hair gets Crispus, [as the] moisture [level] back in the summer. The most common way to prevent this is by using good shampoo and conditioner.

In what ways of film impact people?

Confidence gets widely affected. 50 per cent of the world population is affected by it, some more severely and others have problems with [film-related] sweet. There is a myth that it is contagious and hygiene [poor] creates films, but that is not true.

What is the difference between the film and having only a scalp dry?

It is very widespread. In fact, scalp problems, most of the cases are in fact of the problems of film. Film occurs on an oily scalp, as a dry scalp truly is a very rare disease. It is difficult to treat scalp dry, but it is very easy nowadays to handle films with modern products, but it must be remembered that once you get the films, it will always come back and you need to control.

People visit dermatologists to their scalp condition or if the problem can be treated by the home remedies?

Films can easily be treated by using shampoos appropriate on a regular basis. After three to four weeks if the problem persists, I recommend seeing a dermatologist.

Oil demand a role in the growth of hair and work as a conditioner?

Oil pure and natural, which is concentrated, can make your hair more oily and your hair condition may worsen. Considering that, in the almond oil is beneficial for skin and hair.

It is true that using shampoo even on a period of time reduces its effectiveness?

No, it is a myth. There is no scientific evidence that a period of time, using even on shampoo reduces efficiency.

In Pakistan, most people like long hair. What advice would you suggest for hair long and in good health?

In Pakistan, long and strong hair is a great thing. It must protect its hair and use shampoo and conditioner which are better suited. Rigorously brushing hair may lead to the damage. The use of straightening iron or curling tongs give something very attractive and striking, but high temperature tends to break down the hair. Never use straightening irons on hair wet, do it fast enough and never exceed high temperature 180 celsius.

A balanced diet contributes to healthy, shiny and beautiful hair?

He contributes to it. If you lack vitamin supplements in your body part of your hair is certainly getting affected. Drink a good amount of water that hydration levels play a vital role, not only on your skin, but even on your hair as it affects the growth of your hair.

Do you have advice for Pakistani consumers?

People really should treat and resolve these problems. Use good quality of the product for the best hair care solutions.

Published in the Express Tribune, April 20, 2011.

source:scalp acne remedies

How should I treat my daughter lice? -CNN (blog)

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Comments (89 comments)Permalink Tweet How should I treat my daughter's lice?Every weekday, a CNNHealth expert doctor answers a viewer question. On Mondays, it's pediatrician Dr. Jennifer Shu.

My 10-year-old daughter was just treated for lice for the third time this school year. What's the best way to get rid of them, and how can I make sure she doesn't get it again?

Asked by Carol of Dunwoody, Georgia

Thanks for your question. Head lice is very common in children, especially between 3 and 12 years of age. The insects can be found crawling around the hairline and lay their eggs on the hair shafts close to a person's scalp. Lice do not carry infectious diseases and are not a sign of a person's cleanliness, but they are a nuisance and can be difficult to treat.

Lice are transmitted from one person to another by direct contact (lice must crawl from one head to another; they do not jump or fly), and can spread during sleepovers or when working or playing closely together. The insects may also move from one person to another if objects such as hats or hairbrushes are shared.

The key to getting rid of lice is to remove all live lice and prevent eggs that are attached to the hair from hatching. There are many possible treatments, ranging from physically removing the bugs and their eggs from the hair to using medicated products to kill the lice and/or their eggs. If the eggs are not removed, they may hatch after a week or two, and the process to get rid of the live lice would then need to be repeated.

? Picking or combing. Both lice and eggs may be removed by painstakingly picking out or finely combing all parts of the hair. This process may need to be repeated for several days or even a few weeks to make sure everything has been removed.

? Home remedies. Many people have tried smothering lice by leaving household products such as mayonnaise, vinegar, or petroleum jelly on the hair overnight and then washing it out the next morning. Cetaphil cleanser has also been reported to treat lice. It should go without saying that one should not use potentially toxic products such as gasoline or kerosene - although they may kill the lice, they are also hazardous to children. Bottom line: If the home remedy is not harmful, it may be worth a try.

? Dry heat. A special machine called the LouseBuster delivers a controlled amount of heated air to dry hair with the goal of killing both lice and their eggs. It is designed for use by trained individuals in settings such as schools, camps, or clinics. Regular hair dryers can cause live lice to become airborne and spread to other people nearby and are therefore not recommended.

? Medicated treatments. Over-the-counter medicated lotions such as permethrin (Nix) and pyrethrin formulations (RID or Pronto) can be very effective in killing live lice. Prescription treatments such as benzyl alcohol (Ulesfia) and malathion (Ovide) may be successful even if the lice are resistant to the over-the-counter preparations. Ask your doctor which one is recommended in your community, and be sure to follow the product directions regarding how much to use, whether to apply to wet or dry hair, and how long to leave it on before washing. These products often need to be repeated within 7 to 10 days.

? Lice removal services. Some caregivers may choose to outsource the lice removal process to companies dedicated to getting rid of head lice. These companies may rely upon a combination of the above therapies.

? Treat the environment. It can be helpful to wash and dry clothing and bedding using hot water and high heat and to vacuum furniture, carpets, and car seats. Consider placing items that are difficult to wash (such as stuffed animals and pillows) in a plastic bag for two weeks to be sure that any remaining eggs will not hatch and survive.

? Avoid contact with lice. Even if you successfully remove all the lice and eggs from your daughter's hair, it's possible to be reinfested by someone else who has not been adequately treated. Teach children to be extra careful to avoid touching heads with one another. It's also a good idea to keep hats, jackets, combs, brushes, towels, and other personal items separated, although once a louse has been removed from its human host, it will die within a day or two unless it finds another warm scalp to live on.

? Extreme measures. While shaving a child's hair can definitely also remove lice and eggs, this drastic step is often not necessary.

Please be sure to contact your child's pediatrician if you have any other questions. Good luck!

Post by: Dr. Jennifer Shu - CNNHealth Living Well expert
Filed under: Children's Health???Expert Q&A We recommend From around the web Next entry ?Colic: What helps and what doesn't? Previous entryThis week's quiz: Babies, Liz Taylor's legacy, nuclear disaster and more! soundoff (89 Responses) Melanie26

I am a pedi nurse and in our clinic we use the Cetaphil treatment (OTC)or the Ulesfia(prescription). Both get great results especially need to do the nit picking and cleaning of the home goods. We have found the lice to be resisitant to OTC products like Nix or Rid.

March 29, 2011 at 05:25 | Report abuse | Reply Irene

The only thing that ended up working for us was the robicomb. It had a battery in it and you would fine comb the hair every night for two weeks. It would shock and kill the lice as they hatched and after two weeks the life cycle was over.

My daughter got lice as recently as 7th grade and her hair was waist-length. What a nightmare!

March 29, 2011 at 06:56 | Report abuse | Reply National Pediculosis Association (NPA)

Routine screening and early detection is the key! The CNN article failed to warn about the risks of pesticide treatments for lice especially for children with pre-exisitng health problems not to mention when one treatment is followed by another. FDA acknowledges that the products are not effective. This is why there are 2 applications recommended with each treatment. Chasing lice with chemicals is a losing proposition for everyone but the lice.

And yes - nit picking can be challenging when infestations go unnoticed. :( So be proactive rather than reactive and be safe! Check the children often (here's a video to show you how to do it: ) and remove the lice and nits when there are few of them. BTW - No Nit Policies can be very different from one school to another. You can read NPA's fully referenced No Nit Policy here. It may surprise you!

March 29, 2011 at 06:59 | Report abuse | Reply Richard Pollack

Some claim that the FDA registered pesticides are neither safe nor effective. This is a gross generalization wedded to fear mongering. Whereas some products are less effective than others, there are products that can be used safely and effectively. When used according to label directions, the products should be expected to provide far more benefit than risk. The need to retreat is NOT a sign that the products are ineffective. Rather, it acknowledges that many products are not ovicidal (egg-killing). The second well-timed application is meant to target lice once they've hatched from their protective eggs. No-nit policies, no matter in what form they are presented, lack ANY scientific or medical basis. They've never been shown to be effective. They are unjustified and are counterproductive. Independent educational information that I formerly hosted at the Harvard School of Public Health is now freely available at I provide links to the latest reports by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Association of School Nurses, and the CDC. These are each worth reading.

March 29, 2011 at 08:12 | Report abuse | Reply Eric

It is nice to have someone like yourself with actual experience and real facts commenting on this post.

April 6, 2011 at 09:18 | Report abuse | Sneakipete

My children and I inherited the annoying skin disorder called Psoriasis. As a result, we have to use a coal-tar shampoo such as Neutrogena T/Gel or Pentrax. The side benefit of these shampoos is that lice don't like this shampoo. It sounds extreme, as the shampoos definitely don't smell like perfume. But the odor goes away when the hair dries; but the coal tar prevents lice. My kids have never had head lice once, and they have been in enough environments where lice is a threat. I am convinved it is because of the coal tar shampoos. If your child has a problem with lice, pick up some Neutrogena T/Gel shampoo and see for yourself!

March 29, 2011 at 08:58 | Report abuse | Reply Noemi Ferres

Wow!! That's another great tip to have, thnaks Sneakipete. I would try anything in order to get rid of lice on my head or my daughter's head. Of course I have had lice when young, but I really read this article to see if there was any new info on this subject. My daughter started day care and for some reason lice popped in to my head as a though to make sure she doesn't get any and how could I prevent it. So thanks for this tip because I can definitely use any new info.

April 11, 2011 at 12:16 | Report abuse | MN Mom

We battled lice for over 3 months in our home, the OTC meds and malathion are not effective in our area, the lice are very resistant. A combination of Cetaphil treatment (OTC) w/ heat and the Ulesfia(prescription) are the only things that worked, but it still took multiple treatments and time. We had to comb their hair with the nit combs every 2-3 days to remove any hatching eggs. Tedious, yes, but worth it.

March 29, 2011 at 09:12 | Report abuse | Reply Christina

The most effective method is to invest the time removing all the eggs. Your best tool is a bright camping style HEADLAMP to help you spot the eggs. Put in a movie, and go to work. Plan to pick through that hair at least 3 times the first day, it will take at least an hour each time. Your back will hurt, but it works. I have ended repeat infestations for friends this way. Picking every few days is just not going to get rid of them. I also dilute tea tree oil with water in a spray bottle. Spraying that around the lower parts of the hair sends the bugs running to the top, making them easier to find.

March 29, 2011 at 12:31 | Report abuse | Reply Nit Picky

Nit Picky Professional Preventative Tips

?No Sharing Personal Items

(Brushes, Hats and Pillows)

?Avoid head to head contact.

(Even a hug can spread head lice)

?Keep hair up in a ponytail or braid.

?Use a lice preventative product.

Order Product Here:

?Screen your child for lice or nits.

(Look on the hair, at the nape of the neck, behind the ears, the crown and the hairline at the front of the face.)

?Use a lice comb regularly.

(Regular combing with a lice comb can provide early detection and prevent infestations. If lice or nits (eggs) are found early enough, you may be able to stop the infestation from spreading to other family members.)

March 29, 2011 at 13:57 | Report abuse | Reply MMS

Monteith Mineralized Solutions (MMS) provides a new product which is organic, safe and effective for treating head lice. It is a clear liquid (so it won't stain) and the active ingredient is cedar oil. This cedar oil extract blocks the respiratory system of the lice so they suffocate but it also organic so it won't irritate your skin and hair like other chemical products you buy in the drugstore. In fact, it can be quite a nice conditioner. You can apply it easily yourself and it will keep for several years in your medicine cabinet so you can have some on-hand for next time and nip the problem in the bud!

Take a look at our website: for more information ...
or on facebook:!/home.php?sk=group_168115466535244&ap=1

Enter promo code: LiceNoSocialCS when ordering

March 29, 2011 at 14:56 | Report abuse | Reply Pamela

Parents please stay away from Lindane, a prescription "treatment" for head lice and scabies. The FDA blackboxed it in 2003 to be used with extreme caution on ANYONE under 110 pounds. In the FDA's own wording they have said that lindane has been known to cause seizures and death even when used as directed. Lindane is a second line treatment and is not to be used more than once. Using multiple treatments of any headlice product can be toxic.

I know has my own son has life long neurological problems from lindane including numerous seizure activity.

It has been known for many years that lice have become resistant to many of the products both prescribed and over the counter. The safest way to treat children is by using a good lice comb. The reason they are reinfested is because some schools are allowing children with lice and nits to stay in school without notifying parents of other children in the classroom.

Like the NPA suggested be proactive, check your children regularly and if you see any lice start using the comb.

March 30, 2011 at 00:35 | Report abuse | Reply DD

I have battled lice since she was 3. Once my ex husband and a friend of his treated her head to much and burned and blisterd her head. I talked to her MD and she told me to get Flea, Tick, and lice shampoo for cats. Cause unlike the OTC treatments u can repeat with the shampoo everyday and it kills the lice on contact. I do her hair once a week now and check her hair everyday. Even though it is a cemical it is not enough to be a danger to the child. But it does work.

March 30, 2011 at 08:10 | Report abuse | Reply Pamela

It's time to find a new pediatrician for your daughter ! NO doctor should recommend a flea treatment for a child. Flea treatments have caused seizures in cats and dogs along with lethargy.
There is NO reason for you to be treating your daughter every week with any treatment other than checking her head for lice and if you find any then use a good lice comb. It's a one time purchase and then you will know you are doing what is best for her, not putting toxic pesticides/chemicals on your child.

Childrens heads are very porous so whatever is put on their heads is absorbed thus going into the bloodstream and affecting vital organs such as the brain.

I am worried about your daughter, please contact your local heath department, and telll them the situation. I cringe hearing that her head was burned and blistered. She really needs a total workup with a good pediatrician who will order bloodwork etc to find if there is any damage from the toxic treatments used.

Go to to get info on treating head lice.

And I hope that Dr. Shu follows up on your post.

March 30, 2011 at 09:36 | Report abuse | Richard Pollack

Human beings are physiologically different from dogs and cats. Products that are reasonable to use on one kind of animal may be far too risky on another. Considering the products available for human use, there is no justification to apply a veterinary formulation to treat a head louse infestation on a person. I, too, would suggest you find another pediatrician.

March 30, 2011 at 10:27 | Report abuse | tommy

Carol if you contact me i will take care of it for free no strings attached and teach you personally how to take care of the situation you are in.

Tommy Headhunters L.R.S

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