Brush l?ser, vibrators, t?nicos m?gicos, champ?s that seem to return time and even ins?litos menjurjes, like this, which recommended to apply on the scalp "a hot paste" by mixing olive oil with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of ground cinnamon.
MIL "solutions" are offered against alopecia male and, finally, leaves floated a liar and bitter conclusi?n: that the single hair ca?da stopped the ground, nothing goes against baldness.
S? there are c?mo stop her, say surgeons, dermat?logos and other m?dicos specialists.
The good news is not a scoop of ?ltimo time, however, a?n are thousands who are unaware of the aparici?n of a pu?ado from medicines that "changed the history of baldness".
The afirmaci?n is of Philip Mart?nez, specialist in cirug?a pl?tica and Reconstructive. "There are thousands of things in the televisi?n, but that really serve, only are these drugs", says.
Refers to Finasteride and Minoxidil. The first prevents the ca?da of the hair. "If it takes it before you fall hair barely notice the first s?ntomas", says Mart?nez, "almost the hair gets to fall".
For its part, Minoxidil promotes the care of the hair fol?culos, the real producers of hair in the body. "Hair is like a ?rbol." "The key is not the stem, which is what is going on the outside, but the ra?z", explains the dermat?logo Francisco Eladio G?mez.
The skinny side has a feared side, perhaps less dear in the men's g?nero that same alopecia. About two percent of those who take Finasteride suffer from impotence, se?ala G?mez. However, he says, the adverse effect can be reversed immediately simply leaving taking the drug.
Do not fall into the trap
Experts agree, and are enf?tico to recommend specialized treatment. Nothing of "recipes" quasi or toothbrushes "?ltima tecnolog?a".
"The mayor?a, not to say that all those things that appear in televisi?n, have no record of the Invima, or have been tested by ning?n independent study."
They talk about a few studies but go and see if any, or qui?n to pay them. This is a business that does not est? controlled by no one. It does not follow standards.
"Drugs used are very controlled and all of them have detr?s a great investigaci?n", se?ala Rodrigo Restrepo, Professor and expert on dermopatolog?as.
Francisco Eladio G?mez, for its part, recommended to consult "when todav?a have hair and not est?n as a billiard ball." "The m?s early see, much better will be the results".
?Un case made progress?
One in two people, says, may suffer from alopecia androgen?tica or p?rdida of the hair in alg?n time of your life.
"It is a normal response." All men know that from puberty entries in the front are beginning to be pronounced m?s. The hairs are slimming, van miniaturizando. "Get chiquiticos", says Rodrigo Restrepo.
The good news is that adem?s that baldness is controllable, tambi?n can be reversed. This is thanks to the implantaci?n of micrograft through an intervenci?n quir?rgica that is offered in numerous specialized centres of the city.
The intervenci?n is to move, "hair to hair", from the occipital regi?n graft to the affected area. It is performed by an interdisciplinary team, and seg?n the degree of alopecia, you need one, two or three sessions.
During each one of them, which takes approximately six hours of work in the quir?fano, they are planted around 2,500 hairs.
"99 Per cent of the alopecia are gen?ticas." In this type of baldness is does not fall the hair of the occipital regi?n (the part of atr?s of the head, close to the neck). "This hair who moves brings the gen?tica where informaci?n sali?, rather than where is planting", explains the surgeon Mart?nez.
The est?ticos of this intervenci?n progress are evident in comparaci?n with the thrown by grafting of greater extensi?n, used a?os atr?s. "The t?cnicas are much improved." "The results est?ticos are supremely good," says Rodrigo Restrepo.
During the ?ltimos a?os, this intervenci?n has taken force around the world. In the city, perhaps from five years ago. Many have decided to combat baldness, an enemy est?tico finally est? giving.
A ?ltima opci?n to treat alopecia is the raised by Rodrigo Restrepo.
For ?l, tambi?n can learn to live with a condici?n maybe in a few a?os to become the predominant est?tico patr?n. One that denote and assess the "experience and the sabidur?a".
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