Sunday, June 19, 2011

?What it tells us the volume of hair?

?What it tells us the volume of hair?

A hair with volume, is a hair with force, the volume of the hair is often a sign of health of the miso. When the capillary volume is conspicuous by its absence, it transmits a message clear, something happens to our hair, but,? what? A hair without volume, is usually a synonym for a porous hair, i.e. a hair escamado, altered in its external structure, a hair to which any substance that is applied on it penetrates inside, can also be due to a lack of strength in the root, a hair that is strong, has volume. Another possible cause, this time is not negative, is the weight of the hair, there are people who have a thick hair or much amount, when this happens the weight of the hair can be on the strength of the root and the volume disappears.

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