The majority of the people experiencing hair loss while aging. However, people is discovering more and more than his hair is becoming increasingly thin, bald areas have emerged and the scalp is clearly visible to look in the mirror. Hair loss affects not only men, affects women also - of all ages, including children and teenagers!
Alopecia is the medical term used to describe the loss of hair or baldness. For many men and women who experience alopecia, it can be emotionally devastating and traumatic. The quality of life is often affected, which may eventually lead to severe depression and anxiety.
This condition can affect any part of the body that is covered with hair including the scalp, you brows, it beard or the pubic area. There are several types of female or male baldness associated with loss of hair that are classified by the cause. Some are permanent while other types are temporary.
Permanent hair loss can be classified by the following:
* The pattern baldness in men, also known as androgenetic alopecia, usually affects males in their teens or 20s early. Androgenic alopecia is distinguished by having hair on the sides of the head and baldness in the limit.
* Female pattern baldness, is also known as androgenetic alopecia. It is this complete hair loss in women - very rare they may lose the hair in patches and generally only begins to thin the front, sides or the Crown.
* Alopecia (which is marked with a scar) is also known as scarring alopecia. This type of hair loss destroys the hair follicle and the follicle is replaced by a scar tissue - cause permanent hair loss. Sometimes, there is no obvious symptoms and hair loss is gradual. In other cases, itching, burning or pain may occur. If the scalp is affected, certain scales and redness may be evident.
Temporary hair loss
* Alopecia areata tends to occur in small and round bald points. The loss of hair or bald patches usually occur on the scalp but it may also affect other areas as you brows, tabs or beard. If hair loss occurs at a point only, usually in the head, he referred to as alopecia areata monolocularis. If the hair is lost in the whole scalp, is alopecia Totalis. If hair loss occurs in the entire body, including pubic hair, this condition is known as alopecia universalis.
* Telogen effluvium is a condition characterized by a sudden hair loss as a result of an interruption in the normal hair growth cycle. The hair starts to thin and generally falls on the scalp, which is more responsive when you wash or be Combs hair.
Traction alopecia occurs as a result of certain tight hairdos like braids, Ponytail, cornrows, ribbons, pasta or twists that are used regularly. It is caused by pulling (chronic traction) of the hair follicle and samples of this type of hair loss mean headaches of tension, itchy, red scalp, bald patches to random and fracture of the hair around the scalp.
What causes alopecia?
There are several causes for specific types of alopecia as well as other underlying factors.
The causes of specific types of alopecia include:
(Androgenetic alopecia) pattern baldness occurs as a result of factors of the inheritance. It affects the age in which you start to become bald, the pattern, speed of development and to the extent of their hair loss
* Alopecia (which marks a scar) scar it is permanent and occurs when the hair follicle is marked with a scar and damaged by inflammation. This condition appears in numerous conditions of skin disease.
* Alopecia areata is defined as autoimmune disease. It is believed that genetic factors may make him develop.
* Telogen effluvium is caused by a change in its normal cycle as a result of physical or emotional tension (high fever, weight loss, loss of a member of the family, dietary deficiencies or surgery)
Traction alopecia is due to the hairstyle that pull the back of the hair too strongly or excessive hairstyling
Other factors that may contribute to alopecia include poor nutrition, certain medications, diseases such as diabetes and lupus as well as medical radiation therapy and chemotherapy treatments. Hormonal changes such as pregnancy, menopause, an active thyroid or strike and infections of the scalp can cause hair loss.
A pelo-tracción known as trichotillomania disorder is a mental disease that causes people to have the irrestible impulse of pulling of the hair on your scalp or any other area of your body. In addition, treatments for hair as money-laundering, dyeing, tight braid or hot bigudíes, can cause mark scarring hair follicles and hair reduction.
Diagnosis of alopecia
The diagnosis of alopecia is based on their physical symptoms, family and medical history. Your doctor will want to know the pattern and the rate of hair loss.
Some tests can also be to determine the cause of alopecia and to classify:
* Proof of circulation where several hairs are lacking to see how many come out
* The scratching of the skin involving a sample of skin or some hair from the scalp to determine if an infection is the cause of hair loss
* The biopsy involves taking a small section of the deeper layers of the skin (this test is usually when it is difficult to confirm a diagnosis)
* Other health tests to determine whether other diseases are the cause of hair loss
Help for hair loss
Although there is no cure for alopecia, it is estimated that 50% of the patient's hair will grow in a year without any treatment. Approximately 90% of people with hair loss will grow eventually, while in the other 10% of cases, only something or to hair grow. There are several treatment options available for alopecia that extends to corticosteroids, steroid injections, hair transplant, massage with natural oils or scalp reduction.
Corticosteroids can be administered orally, injected or applied as a topic - these drugs, however, may have some harsh side effects. Steroid injections are typically used for small areas of hair loss as the eyebrows. Phototherapy, often used to treat disorders of the skin, may also help to stimulate hair growth and improve the appearance of the hair. Massage with natural oils help the hair to grow stronger and more plentiful, feeding on the roots and promote the healthy growth of hair and delay excessive loss. Transplantation of hair and scalp reduction are surgical procedures used to cover bald areas.
Natural remedies
Holistic and natural treatments are a more quiet and effective alternative to treat loss of hair than harsh chemicals found in on-the-counter products and prescription. Use herbal and homeopathic remedies helps promote healthy, strong hair and supports the circulation, hormone balance and the functioning of the thyroid.
Herbal ingredients carefully selected as Ginkgo biloba, Rosmarinus officinale and Xanthoxylum clavaherculis promote the circulation of blood to ensure that the nutrient-rich blood reaches the hair follicles. In addition, Equisetum arvense, avena sativa and Echinacea also help to stimulate and nourish the tiny hair follicles.
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