Monday, May 30, 2011

Hair problems - Bloomberg

Dandruff is a condition that attacks to the scalp and other areas of the body that have hair, and is often characterized by the presence of abundant scales that break off and accumulate between the hairs.

It produces an itching which exacerbates the suffering of the same and that scratching, it stimulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands and this can cause lesions which if not treated can become infected.

Types of dandruff. It should be noted that there are two types of dandruff: dry and thick.

Dry dandruff.

His appearance is characterized by fine scales that are spread form of white dust and is very easy to remove because reflected by brushing the hair, but she quickly reappears again.

Greasy dandruff.

It usually appears when there is a hormonal or disorders in adolescence due to high production of sebaceous glands, on the scalp. Their scales are greasy and difficult to remove.

How fight it.

However, there are natural ways to combat your symptoms and to correct this problem. Boil a liter of water, and when you are boiling add stems and leaves of celery, let it boil for 5 minutes, and rubbing the scalp with this infusion, can solve the problem of dandruff.


Also we can boil beet roots, and use the water to perform massages with the tips of the fingers in a circle, to promote the movement, during the night. Applied to the scalp not just lemon juice will give you brightness, but it will also help you prevent dandruff. You can prepare a rinse with three tablespoons of thyme per cup of water, boil for 10 minutes and put this mix once washed hair, then rinse with warm water.

The Vera is excellent, use the inner part and apply directly on your scalp rub the gel until that penetrate completely. Make an infusion with two tablespoons of thyme and nettle, boil them for five minutes, filter and use to perform massage before washing. Do not forget to rinse.

Until next week, write me for inquiries to

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