Dry scalp conditions are very common and most of us have had some form of dry, itchy or flaky scalp condition at some time in our life. Dandruff is among the most visible in that the flaky, dry pieces of skin fall off the scalp and sits in the head and on the shoulders. The visibility is worst against dark colors and sufferers of dandruff are often reluctant to wear dark colors for this reason.
A dry, flaky scalp is in itself not uncomfortable, but rather embarrassing. When it is accompanied by a burning or itching sensation or even scalp sores, it can become a real serious scalp condition.
One of the main causes of dry scalp dryness is the external products that you use in your hair. Would you use dish wash detergent to wash your hair every day? No never! Yet most of the shampoos on the market contain the same ingredients! Sodium Lauryl sulphate (SLS) is one of the main ingredients in liquid dish wash detergent and in most shampoos. The purpose of SLS is to degrease and to foam. When shampoo foams it makes you feel like you are really getting clean hair, but in fact you are also degreasing your scalp the same way a mechanic would degrease an engine. Even the moisturizing shampoos, more often than not, contain SLS!
Once your hair has been thoroughly degreased you are left with a dry scalp that leaves you vulnerable and susceptible to fungal infections such as ringworm, burning itching scalp, scalp sores and other unpleasant and painful scalp conditions.
Now most people would go to the pharmacy, chemist or doctor to find a solution and end up putting even more of these drying out products on their scalp and intensifying the problem and causing even more suffering.
There is a much better solution. First of all, you need to get rid of all the SLS containing shampoos and find a natural product that will not dry out your scalp. Once you have stopped abusing your scalp, you need to restore your scalps natural oil content. There are many oils that will not only provide the moisturizer for dry scalp conditions but also help you soothe and heal your dry itchy scalp. It is important to make sure you get pure essential oils, not just aromatic oils, as the pure essential oils holds healing powers from the plants they are derived from.
A moisturizer for the scalp can be made by using olive oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ or macadamia oil. Neem oil will soothe an itchy scalp and also contain antifungal properties to treat ringworm of the scalp, also known as tinea capitis. Lavender oil calms the skin and tea tree oil contains both antibacterial and antifungal properties. Other great oils to use for your dry, itchy scalp are rosemary, chamomile and eucalyptus.
The trick is to know your specific scalp condition and to make sure the oils you use are going to target it. You also need to know which oils are safe for you to use and how to apply them.
Once equipped with this knowledge, there is nothing stopping you from getting rid of the scalp dryness that causes so many scalp problems.
Rikke Scott, owner of www.ringwormremedys.com , recommends dryitchyscalpremedies for people suffering from a scalp condition. Mia Wadsworth helps them identify and treat it fast and naturally at home, to gain relief and a permanent solution.
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