Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Cuerito" macheteó them - Diario La Opinión

Breaking the dry law to prop?sito of the Popular consultation that took place yesterday in all the pa?s in the barrio San Mart?n to the South of Machala is propag? a hellish fight. The effects of alcohol and drugs allowed Colonel Henry (a) ?El Cuerito? attacked with a machete chop to two of its neighbours.

Javier Alvarado (40) afirm? Colonel was who the atac? and her acestara several deep cuts on the elbow of the left arm and part of the scalp.

At approximately 10: 10 arrib? to the emergency room of the D?vila Te?filo Hospital in an ambulance of the fire brigade quej?ndose, clutching his arm victimado any amount of blood that emanated.

A friend of the patient cont? that Alvarado ?no escaped from the consumption of alcohol and drugs and lleg? the other qui?n know qu? raz?n you entr? to machete?, deduced the interviewee. He deduced that the v?ctima m?s cr?tica of the RAID was acompa?ado by Alexander Dominguez, who to defend his friend tambi?n recibi? their dose of the abrupt punishment.

Dominguez in the same way consumed hab?a substance alucin?gena and recibi? courts in the same areas where his friend Javier the recibi?, in the left arm and cut of approximately 8 cm in the scalp which was sutured by a crystal of question time.

Relatives of Javier Alvarado confirmed to the representatives of the local press that indeed Henry Colonel (a) ?El Cuerito? is the alleged perpetrator of the attacks, and while the two v?ctimas were transferred to the person responsible for emergency was at home sleeping.

Not scrapped immediately put the complaint to the fiscal?a of the day, so they took pictures and collected the informaci?n needed to be Colonel charged with the offence committed. SEG?n one of the brothers of Alvarado who is aware of the bad life that leads cowards to another h. ?es.p attacked them as?, not descart? to personal retaliate, but said that the pensar?a twice.

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