Sunday, June 26, 2011

Natural way of giving to his hair more body

Natural way of giving to his hair more body

Hair that is full of body is always fashionable. Unfortunately, many people have a fight with the finest hair to get the thick, bulky look. Fine animal hair, which can be inherited or caused by problems such as disease or hormonal changes, you can easily manage. If you are prone to fine hair or you are just having a bad day, locks that are full of the body can be achieved in a natural way.

Mix baking soda with a little hot water. Wash the hair with the baking soda toothpaste and rinse. This cleans the hair of the accumulation of the product, leaving it shiny and lively.

Use a wide tooth comb. Using a normal toothbrush can da? ar hair and make it fall.

Pour a natural voluminizador of the hair, such as the milk of coconut, in a spray bottle. Spray it on your hair before styling. Coconut milk makes the hair thicker.

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The elasticity of the hair

The elasticity of the hair

All healthy hair must have elasticity, when it happens otherwise is when the hair becomes fragile and breaks easily.

When hair is elastic, it shapes easily, which facilitates their hairstyle and get more or less the same volume.

The elasticity of the hair is determined by the keratin, an element that is found throughout the entire structure of the hair. The elasticity of hair can be da? ar easily if what we are exposed to the Sun without any protection.

We must at all times guard our hair elasticity, because it is a key feature to keep the hair in good condition, as an elastic hair facilitates the hairstyle, is much more resistant and also has what is called more movement, more ease, ultimately more general beauty.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Remove the entanglements of hair

Remove the entanglements of hair

Rush and tangled hair, bad combination, so if we want to run and untangle the hair quickly, most likely that can occur is that it gives? emos almost in complete safety, sometimes took less doing things right, even if it costs a little more.
Untangle the hair requires skill, but also be humid, talk about considerable entanglements, not of brush the hair without further. Moisten hair gives us much hard work to unravel the hair, in addition if we try to dry there are more opportunities to break the hair. Moisten hair does not have why necessarily with water, there are a few air conditioners to apply with dry hair, that in addition to moisten it and facilitate the hairstyle, protect, so they are highly recommended.
In conclusion, when we have tangled hair, the first thing we must do is to moisten it, much better with a conditioner in spray and calm, the tangles out much easier.

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Defects of the shaft of the hair

Defects of the shaft of the hair

Does the flaws in the shaft of the hair are those found in the part of the hair that is perceived, which is in contact with the outside, they have various causes, all of them, da? you that generate these defects. Does do them? you causing defects to the shaft of the hair can be classified into two large groups in function of which is the origin of the cause that generates this gives? o:

?Do? you organic, are those that produce defects as a result of a malformation of the hair for a malfunction of the hair follicle.
?Does it give? we external, are those that occur in the hair fiber as a result of external factors such as climatology, the ill treatment of the hair, chemicals, etc.
Although sometimes the shortcomings of the shaft of the hair can cause alopecia, is a cause with a weight infinitely less here than other causes such as for example the genetic factor or certain diseases.

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Young people, and hair

Young people, and hair

The truth is that when we are young hair is of great importance, identifies us, form part of our aesthetic, something which at an early age is important perhaps deorbited, however although a tremendous hair as aesthetic importance, given at these ages is no consideration in general with care, which brings in many occasions to lead to capillary problems in the? you later. Do in adolescence, the hygiene of the hair is neglected with some frequency, using hair accessories gives? inos on many occasions and hairstyles impossible where hair gel, dyes and dreadlocks are often very present, all this without a doubt are excesses we commit with the hair and then pays with a sick, weak hair, and we can even cost the loss of the same.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

The static electricity of the hair

The static electricity of hair

An experiment is done often in centers school and safe once have experienced in our own hair is static electricity. Hair is often loaded of static electricity, this occurs when dry hair is rubbed, it occurs more frequently in summer than in winter, because the warm and dry climate much more predisposes to hair load electricity.

The static electricity of the hair seems fun, but there are people who experience often unintentionally and this makes that I will become a real nightmare styling, to facilitate the hairstyle is best to use brushes with natural bristles and wooden handle, conditioners without rinsing to wet hair, avoid the use of the dryer, and keep well hydrated hair (masks and creams).

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Plug-ins that worsen the State of the oily hair

Plug-ins that worsen the State of the oily hair

Hair fat makes the hair are deteriorating, its appearance is little toilet in addition may even reach cause alopecia if it is not in time.

Do as well as use a suitable shampoo and various cosmetic treatments to try to fight it, must be careful with the accessories of dress that we use to improve our image, hats, caps and pa? uelos are very attractive ways of complementing our clothing, but however when we have the oily hair this can aggravate the problem considerably, because these elements to increase the temperature of the scalp, that this is much less aerate and thus stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands which are responsible for segregating the grease from the hair, so if we want to use this type of plug-ins on occasion we need to know that we must intensify the hair hygiene.

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Extremely short hair

Hair extremely short

As usual, are increasingly men that rapan transgressive and positive response to his alopecia hair.
Such is the number of supporters men which has come to be a fashion who follow famous the likes of sportsmen of elite, actors, presenters, etc.
This fashion is nothing but the chest open battle against the symptoms of hair loss and the clear that appear when you have long hair, achieving in this way to face and deal firmly with those symptoms.
It is therefore, perhaps the most effective way to end with alopecia and its symptoms that otherwise we martillean and produce echo in our minds when we look in the mirror, fully recommended and recommended system for those who do not want to suffer with an open look.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Health of hair and fashion

Health of hair and fashion

The health of the hair with some frequency is put at risk by the people who are victims of fashion and which are not consistent with continuing trends in clothing and accessories, but also follow strictly the canons imposed by fashion hair. The truth is that fashion and health of the hair usually are not two concepts to be United, by what the right thing is to establish priorities where the health of the hair before fashion when they do contradict, otherwise it is very likely that with the passage of time and base continuously punish the hair, we will not be not one, so then there will be no way or follow the fashion or care for the hair.

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Crazy hair

Crazy hair

Everyone we have ever had the feeling you need a radical change of look.
So much so that the bald made crazy and have acquired unimaginable wigs to surprise your friends and people with hair have you? gone, dyeing or changed with spray the hair color with single intended to draw attention and get out of the ordinary.
All these crazy things with her hair can give us no desired results with the passage of time if performed in a repetitive manner and if there are no care relevant when choosing products that does not? in and do not adversely affect the integrity of our hair.
However this is something that we tend not to appreciate until we notice the first signs of fall and began to ask ourselves what has been able to happen, and it is when we remember all those crazy things we have done with our hair.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hair and social status

Hair and social status

Without giving account or with regard to the hair often determines social status, already in ancient times, used wigs and other hair colours, as well as combed several based on the economic level and the social class to which it belonged, he must only remember striking wigs of the middle ages. Also today although perhaps not in a way so marked, hair identifies with some frequency social class or the purchasing power of a person, especially in the women's field, care hair, hairstyle fashion and with a homogeneous colour denotes that it is a woman with a certain social status, which can afford to go to the hairdresser on a frequent basis, and follows the canons of the hair fashion.

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?Smooth or curly hair?

?Smooth or curly hair?

Sometimes you look at people who have an extremely smooth or extremely curly hair because that is something that usually draw attention.

However we need to know that an abundant hair curly or smooth may generate a big problem for those who have it as a very specific and special care is needed to show it off on a daily basis.

Such is the care that it should be used when you have a lot of hair, that owners should invest large amounts economic daily and monthly for their care, and not just referring to the use of certain shampoos, soothing creams and other products for the care of the hair but that addition daily steps that should be made to prevent the deterioration of the hair should be taken into account.

These people, at times, have been sleeping in a certain position, to avoid exposure prolonged cold or the Sun, etc.

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It provides variety to your hair so that it is healthier

Offers a variety to your hair so that it is healthier

Is tested and demonstrated that hair when he spends some time get used to the care and cosmetics several with which we try to keep it healthy, that's the right thing is change every time a product that we use common form, shampoo, conditioner, mask, replenishing, ……, in this way and changing in ways it alternates from time to time productforce the hair to adapt, to put it in a comparative way, obliged it to give attention to is not sleep, and in this way maintain you active, alive, cobra force and shown much healthier. It is not necessary to make major changes and alternative products must be always adequate to the type of hair you have.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A natural solution to the burnt hair

A natural solution to the burnt hair

Many times we asked ourselves how to recover our hair burned after treatment failed with planks or dryer.
Do then give some steps to follow to try to recover that hair gives? d without having to go to cut it, although sometimes it is better to clean it up completely and proceed to the Court.
However, for those who want to try to recover a hair do? I ated by excessive heat, or burning, you can try to use this treatment.
? 2 tablespoons of natural honey
? 1 tablespoon of olive oil
? 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
? 1 tablespoon almond oil
Stir the mixture well, spread throughout the hair, especially the tips, cover with plastic and so sleep through the night, the Ma? ana following normally wash and repeat while it persists, will be seeing the results.

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Conditioner for the hair-based egg

Conditioner for the hair-based egg

Simple and economical is the recipe that you presented here to give you your hair healthy and shiny, is a natural conditioner, elaborated with egg, and it could not be easier, simply beat an egg, below must be applied on the hair and scalp, is left alone between ten and fifteen minutes and already is only necessary to wash as usualIt seems incredible that a simple element can let loose and brilliant as hair in such a short time.

The egg has a high nutritive power, is very rich in protein, and this is what makes the hair to receive that extra contribution of nutrition that never hurts. ??Economic and natural, you can not ask more!

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Hair for sale

Hair for sale

We all know that the ads of hair are most abundant and are used images of models with large amount of hair and a bright and natural ease and both to sell shampoos, softeners creams, lacquers, gominas, or even clothing.

Such is so increasingly they are the marketing firms that are uploaded to the chariot of inventiveness and imagination to innovate on the ads and the theme that has to announce to have an impact on the viewer and be recorded in the retina of who notes the announcement and above all to associate the product announced with the good impression that has caused us such announcement.

So it must not get enga? ar, when you buy any product that has to do with the hair and must follow the advice of our physician or dermatologist and find the product that best suits our type of hair.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Water sports and hair

Water sports and hair

People who on a regular basis do some water sport of type swimming, water polo, diving, etc, any water sport in which hair comes into contact with water, must be especially careful hair. Water sports that are practiced in pool do hair faced with products such as chlorine and other disinfectants which dries up hair, on the other hand the nitrate from seawater also damaged the State of the hair, dandruff and increase in the sensitivity of the scalp are the most common changes, is why than when this type of sports is practised frequentlyIt is use a moisturizing protective treatment, as well as a gentle shampoo which does not contain a high level of detergents or Silicones, especially well clarify the hair before applying shampoo in each wash.

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Age and change of hair

Age and change of hair

Do with the passage of the a?, like the skin, the hair also undergoes certain changes, which are illustrated and changes that are not exactly positive changes, is logical thinking that by the passage of time, the hair is damaged, so we should take care it to keep it for as long as possible in perfect condition.

Do although hair fall and if they are healthy again to leave, this does not prevent that with the passage of the a? os, the density and speed of hair growth reduced significantly, always to a greater or lesser extent depending on the genetics of each person. One of the own age capillary changes are hair, melanin production drops and the hair becomes white. And the determining factor, the most notable change is the hair loss as a result of the death of the hair follicles.

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?Why do you suffer our hair?

?Why do you suffer our hair?

Hair is a living element, and as such suffers, are diverse causes that affect hair in a negative way, but it is appropriate to know the most common, that more easily attack the same, to do everything possible to protect our hair of the risk of deterioration:

?Stress, something which we can affect at any time, both men as to women, when it cannot be avoided and we are left in this negative feeling of stress, it is best receive therapies of breaths, acupuncture, relaxation, relaxing massages, among others.
?Pregnancy, menopause, they are two situations in which the hair of women is directly affected, vitamin complexes and hormonal treatments are the solutions.
?Do do hairstyles and hair, often mo?, pigtails, braids, and several hairstyles punish the hair, subjected it to tension and even to da? ar directly its structure, care with them.

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

?What need the rebellious hair?

?What need the rebellious hair?

Do those who complain of a rebellious hair, hair which cannot dominate,? what kind of hair relate really?, rebellious hair is a coarse hair, curly, dry. This type of hair styling becomes complicated because you do not have elasticity, something which greatly hinders its daily management. You need a rebellious hair is hydration and nutrition so thanks to this you can get the elasticity and the degree of moisture lost, and done nothing better than to use a mask hydronutritive (moisturizing + nutrition), it is also desirable that during the first two weeks use twice in week, then it is enough to use it a once a weekthe change is seen in a short time.
The hair is a living element, and so you need nutrition and hydration for staying healthy.

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Accidents in the hair

Accidents in the hair

Surely in ever anyone of us or one of our sinneth? you had the bad experience of being with chewing gum or candy attached to the hair, is a cumbersome, difficult to solve, because it is worthless to wash the hair and most ends up cutting the affected patch to get rid of such filth, as well, before proceeding in this wayYou can try the following remedy.
To remove the gum stuck in hair, it is very useful to spread the lock the entire affected with olive oil generously, then must wait a few minutes, about 10 to 15 and then, when the oil has already made its role, should be combed the lock with a comb of barbed fine and together to completely remove the chewing gum without much difficulty.

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?What it tells us the volume of hair?

?What it tells us the volume of hair?

A hair with volume, is a hair with force, the volume of the hair is often a sign of health of the miso. When the capillary volume is conspicuous by its absence, it transmits a message clear, something happens to our hair, but,? what? A hair without volume, is usually a synonym for a porous hair, i.e. a hair escamado, altered in its external structure, a hair to which any substance that is applied on it penetrates inside, can also be due to a lack of strength in the root, a hair that is strong, has volume. Another possible cause, this time is not negative, is the weight of the hair, there are people who have a thick hair or much amount, when this happens the weight of the hair can be on the strength of the root and the volume disappears.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Products that can not miss to have perfect hair

Products that can not miss to have perfect hair

Do not there are many, but if they are essential,? are those products that can not miss us to have an impressive and healthy hair?
To begin with as answer to the question, the key is appropriate for our type of hair shampoo, shampoo for everyday use and if necessary another treatment that complements the action of the first. On the other hand the conditioner, much better separately that incorporated in shampoo, because in many cases these combinations produce fat in the scalp. It can not miss a good mask that hidrate and nourished our hair, nor even if their use is weekly, and as, as perfect complements, are not the sérums and conditioners digressive, to care for our tips and facilitate hair hair style.

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?Is wash greasy hair daily harmful?

?Is wash greasy hair daily harmful?

Once most popular beliefs so wise in some ways, lead to errors in other cases such as this in question. Despite what many people think, wash greasy hair daily, it is not only not harmful for people with oily hair, but that it is necessary, it is essential to have clean hair to show he is healthy, because fat makes a role as important hair as it is the oxygenation of the same. However, it is true that wash greasy hair in a proper way to do not stimulate the production of sebum, use warm water and if it is possible to cold in the final rinse, not scratch the scalp with the u? ACE during washing, ….., are recommendations that must be taken into account to avoid stimulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Facts on hair

Facts on hair

We have the hair curly, smooth, undulating, as well, we are sure that you did not know that this is due to the position of the hair follicle from which emanates the hair on the scalp. If the follicle is in an upright position, will have the hair smooth, if on the other hand it is located in a horizontal position will have curly hair.

Another curious fact and that it leads to error many people speak the white hair, as well, there is no white colour of the hair, there is the lack of the same color, due to a lack of melanin and therefore hair pigmentation.

They are facts, that certainly helps us to better understand certain characteristics and conditions of our hair, and that the less are interesting to know.

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Hair cosmetics is also useful in healthy hair

Hair cosmetics is also useful in healthy hair

It is usual that we agree to use or look for remedies in hair cosmetics when we have a problem in the hair, grease, dandruff and fall are the most common, however the hair cosmetics is also very useful to care for a healthy hair.
Thanks to the cosmetic hair products that enhance the health of hair, give brightness, volume, and force at present are without da? arlo, in addition to the more reluctant to use, we need to clarify that not all hair cosmetics takes chemical components, there are product lines in which all or most of their ingredients are totally naturala composition that increasingly the cosmetics industry is concerned about further, which today are more and more consumers that opt for natural solutions to further protect the environment.

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Eastern hair

Eastern hair

We all know that Asians have a very characteristic hair, due to their excessive lack of loop and its black color, as a general rule.

As a result, need to know, will astonish them, the East, just as we see her hair, to see the diversity of tones and hair diversities that exist outside of its territory.

The something that they surprised so much that they come to photograph with those that they like or dislike with the single intention of having a photographic memory of something people in their wishing to show their loved and is something that often surprises them and would like to have, though their beliefs and their image in front of the rest of their compatriots prevented that they decide to have it.

However, it does surprise us with their ability of learning and culture that makes them the pioneers before any event that makes them unique.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Healthy living for a strong hair

Healthy living for a strong hair

The fact of carrying a healthy does not mean that we are going to get rid of alopecia, particularly in alopecia whose origin is genetic or derive from the use of drugs or as a result of certain diseases. It is true that avoid the use of drugs (when I say drugs, I am referring to the alcohol, tobacco and drugs in general), and carry a healthy diet, as well as the practice of exercise of form regular, back to our much stronger body, that is why being hair also part of the same, somewhat is benefited and although alopecia arrivesalways will we make it a little harder, because it is not the same attacking a sick hair hair strong and healthy, naturally the latter will be much more resistance in the hard battle.

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Color and strength in the hair? do relationship?

Color and strength in the hair? do relationship?

There are many people that a wrongly think that the hair clear is more fragile, weaker, more vulnerable than dark hair, however has nothing to do the hair with the fortress of the same color, the explanation is as simple as based on that the strength of hair depends on factors such as the State of the scalpthe nutrition and hydration of hair, proper hygiene habits,....., however the color of the hair has to do with the production of melanin in the body, something for nothing intervenes in the State of health of the hair, so that the hair is more or less clear even when it becomes cano, is not re? gone for nothing with which to be healthy, strong hair.

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Does dehydration of the hair,? who are responsible for?

Does dehydration of the hair,? who are responsible for?

The hair is dry, is rough, is entangled with ease, it does not ease, all these and some more are noticeable symptoms of a dehydrated hair, hair with lack of water, dry hair.
If you want to know that factors are can do that your hair is in these conditions, only you have to continue reading.
The most relevant factors capable of greatly provoke capillary dehydration, include:
?Soak up the Sun without protection.
?The water of the beach or the pool chlorine.
?The cold and wind.
?The pollution.
?Direct heat appliances that shape the hair (hair dryer, iron, tenacillas….)
?Brush hair aggressively or excessive.
?Dyes and other chemical agents.
?Hormonal disorders.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The oily hair brushing

Brushing of the oily hair

Brush the hair is a very recommendable habit, it's an action that stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp, which makes that so necessary substances to the same as the oxygen, nutrients and moisturizing reach the hair more easily. However there is an exception, a situation, a type of hair that this habit is not recommended, we speak of the oily hair, the explanation is very logical, because in the same way that daily brushing stimulates the blood flow of the scalp, sebaceous glands are also stimulated by the brush and then increase the segregation of fat, so it is further exacerbated the problem of hair grease.
However if you don't want to give to untangle your hair before going to sleep, you can brush the hair, but starting from the middle of the length of the hair, without touching the scalp.

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Natural reflexes to the gray

Natural reflexes to the gray

When the gray not yet you? in full hair, may be too high a permanent dye to cover them if you want to hide, it might be wiser to opt to give you a few reflections and thus achieve an effect much healthier without sacrificing the natural basis for our hair colour. You can get these reflexes, simply by applying a ba? or color or a color shampoo, because hair are you? in in a tone less intense, get some natural Wicks that give hair a bright glare and provide more light to the face, is a natural way of getting a touch of light and color to an image much more careful. Solutions and the simple remedies sometimes may surprise us in unexpected ways.

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?How to provide strength to the hair?

?How to provide strength to the hair?

The strength of the hair is a sign of health, a strong hair is a synonym for healthy hair.
Provide strength to the hair is something that we can achieve if we use products appropriate to do so, products such as for example air conditioners with hydrolyzed proteins or keratin, there are shampoos and masks with these features. The ideal is to provide the necessary strength to the hair in a natural way, but there is no doubt that these cosmetics are a good alternative.
Hair to have force, we must not forget to take care of the State of the tips, cutting them at least once every two months, it is essential to avoid deteriorating the hair, the open ends, are an open door so that external agents penetrate the hair and gives? in its natural structure.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Do hair you? Yes, gone but healthy

Do hair you? Yes, gone but healthy

When it is impossible to resist to you? go hair, either gray or because we want to change the look, it is necessary to take a series of measures to ensure that the hair does not lose its natural health. To start well, the main thing is to choose a good dye, the best plants or ba? os color, however, if you want something permanent, sure that it is a dye with silk proteins. Once chosen the color, it is very important to respect the time of application to not damage the hair. Do now are you? caring gone, now only remains for him in particular, specific shampoos for hair you? gone with high-powered moisturizing, nourishing masks and the sunscreen are stalwarts of the healthy hair and you? gone. Do do addition when back to you? go it, applies the product only at the root, so avoid exposing a new dye hair already you? gone previously.

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Respect the natural beauty of hair

Respect the natural beauty of hair

?How to care for the hair?, is something that we often, creams, shampoos, conditioners, treatments,......, a multitude of measures and cosmetics that we use to have the hair healthy and strong, this is good, but often we forget, perhaps most importantly, respect for the natural beauty of hair, its color, its shape, its brightness, ultimately its natural look.
Do when us empe? masters to change its color, use dyes, when we want to change as rizamos it with permanent or we flatten to our own liking using the dryer or grilled, often we prove impossible hairstyles, all these events made them most of the time of an unconsciously, without stopping to think the da? or that we can generate to the hair. Of all of this takes a very clear conclusion and an essential principle to have a healthy hair, "we must respect the natural beauty of hair".

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Conditioner biphasic Nelly, to comb the hair in a simpler way

Conditioner biphasic Nelly, to comb the hair in a simple way

Biphasic conditioner Nelly, is an excellent choice for styling the hair of a simplest way and without assaulting it with unnecessary hitches to untangle it. Take care of the hair, it is necessary to not lose it, and among the most important care is the fact of styling and brush gently, it is precisely in this sense in which the biphasic conditioner Nelly, is very useful. You can use both with hair wet and dry and their application is very simple, just spray on hair, leave a few seconds and without rinsing, comb the hair on a regular basis. Do aroma, softness and shine extras are the main features that biphasic conditioner Nelly brings to the hair, good reasons to prove it,? don't you think?

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Monday, June 13, 2011

When and how washing hair

When and as washing the hair

Depending on the type of hair that we frequent washing and the way of doing this is different so below we explain how you do it:
?Normal hair: in this case it is easier, it is only to maintain its State, you have to use a shampoo that respects the ph of hair (shampoo neutral) and wash it in a preferential way when it is dirty, it is not necessary to do so every day, if you opt out of the wash daily, the shampoo should be smooth.
?Dry hair: in this case must avoid as far as possible the daily washing, only when it is dirty, and use a moisturising shampoo without ever forgetting the conditioner.
?Greasy hair: washed daily with a mild shampoo for oily hair, better not to use conditioner and if we need it, only at the tips.

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Care for healthy hair

Care for healthy hair

Healthy hair also needs care, because generally we care about our hair when you are sick, when fat, dandruff, the fall or any other condition occurs, however we know that a healthy hair is not maintained by itself alone, that we must guard it in the same way or better even than if note it weak because as well so we can enjoy for a long time.
The care of a healthy hair through proper hygiene, the avoidance as far as possible from aggressive products such as dryer, dyes, the permanent, ……, apply hydration and nutrition on a regular basis through the use of air conditioners and masks and no less important is also to keep it without tangles and loose most of the time.

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Extremely fine hair, the causes

Extremely thin hair, causes

People with the fine hair, often worry about the State of the same, fine hair, suffers in particular, is much easier to break it, and is also affected easily by external agents (climate, hair dryer, hair, ….). They are the causes for the different hair or becomes weak and is very useful to know them because of them it depends in many cases a feasible solution for thin hair.
The most common causes of an extremely thin hair are: hormonal imbalances, inadequate diet, genetic factors, diseases such as lupus or anemia, pregnancy and lactation in women are also stages that cause weakness and thinning hair.
The weakness of the hair, undone, but to hit with the treatment is necessary to determine the cause.

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Elements that pollute the hair

Elements that pollute the hair

Do we are aware that the hair gets us dirty, it shows clearly when we see dull and is entangled with ease, but? what are the elements that pollute the hair?, there are several and are both in the environment that surrounds us and the Agency itself, and among the most prominent are: fat that cause the sebaceous glands of the scalpthe sweat, dust and other pollutants in the air, dead cells from the scalp, as well as cosmetics and various products that we use to comb and retouching hair.

All the elements listed above as well as dirty hair, can deteriorate considerably if not hold hygiene habits adapted to the rhythm of each person's life.

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Burdock hair

Burdock hair

As a natural alternative to improve the status of the scalp and the hair itself, we can use the burdock, a very useful plant in this respect, it is able to deal with poultices, the scalp when he is angry, also by way of infusion, can be applied to clarify the hair in the washes and thus improve the State of fine hairweakened, with risk of falling.
Burdock performs in the hair from the root, it is rich in fatty acids, a contribution very beneficial for the hair that is able to improve the brightness and the strength of the same, so it is very useful as an adjunct in treatment against hair loss.
If you are interested in this natural remedy, you can easily find this plant in the health food shops.

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

?Is playing the hair harmful?

?Is playing the hair harmful?

Do customs acquired in childhood, without realizing we abandon them with the passage of time, however there are people who have difficulty a little more, one of the Customs common when we are not? you is touching the hair, either to sleep, relax or simply as a mechanism for emotional protection against difficult situations, the ni? you touch the hair on a regular basisThere are even some who get the hair in the mouth without reason and continuously. These learned customs, when they cease to have no major, however when they persist even with the passage of the a? os, already in adolescence, can cause the deterioration of the hair, grease, alopecia for traction, and even tricotilotomía (nerve conduct that leads to the person to pull one hair involuntarily).

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Does the hair,? is a determining factor in the social relations?

Does the hair,? is a determining factor in the social relations?

The hair is an important part of the aesthetics of the person, and unfortunately, or fortunately for some, the physicist is a valued element in today's society, for it is clear that hair plays and has a decisive role, however, in social relationships, behavior, self-esteem and ultimately how to be a person always has the last worddo, because,? how many times have not thought of someone?, "? handsome, is quietly!", this is a done, since even if the person is gorgeous and has a hair healthy and spectacular, if to speak, his nature or his insecurity betray him, there is nothing to do, therefore, must be objective and not to give more importance to our hair.

scalp acne remedies

More than a symbol to many cultures, hair

More than just hair, a symbol for many cultures

In many cultures, hair is one is? communication, one way to determine or distinguish other individuals within a same group, it is a non-verbal communication that is based on the hairstyle to highlight certain aspects that are relevant in a congregation of people. The use of hair as a symbol, occurs mainly in tribes and communities and has a very different culture to what today is considered an advanced society. Twisted, shaved, mo? I and shades are several hair hairstyles are most often used for is? wing to individual members of a tribe. The headdresses and several supplements also have great importance in some cultures to decorate the hair in holidays or important events.

scalp acne remedies

Friday, June 10, 2011

The importance of the aroma of hair

The importance of the aroma of hair

Perhaps in more than one occasion you has been nice to get close to a person and feel the fresh, clean scent given off by her hair, only with this and immediately we cannot avoid to make us a positive image on the hygiene of this person, however occasionally hygiene not always correspond with the aroma of hair, there are people who are experiencing a nightmare due to the continuous odor given off by her hair, and even to wash your hair several times a day without remedy, that is what is known as stink of hair, remedy it is not easy, but most successful is put in the hands of a good expert and be left advising, meanwhileYou can try to combat the smell mixing our usual shampoo with infusions of some aromatic herb whose scent is pleasant and long-lasting, as the Mint and Rosemary.

scalp acne remedies

Extra volume with capillary xsheken

Extra volume with capillary xsheken

Sometimes the problem of the hair is not itself the scarcity of supply, but when it have no body, no gloss, no volume, because it is so in many occasions when we begin to use products, most of them inadequate, in search of a hair with volume, brightness, to show thick. The best to achieve this is first of all not despair and buy the first thing to be out there, very simple when we are desperate is go to a shopping center, enter the section of drugstore and destroy all the products that promise to improve the look of the hair. We must be cautious and perhaps much better when we do not have much idea let us advise in pharmacies, there are professionals and quality products, one of them is capillary xheken, giving extra volume, shine and body to the weak hair.

scalp acne remedies

TALC against hair fat

TALC against fat hair

?Hair fat is your problem?, if so, and you are tired of trying different methods which do not serve anything, perhaps the most successful is to go to the dermatologist before the problem is complicated, however while arrives that visit, you can try a natural remedy that you have below. It is to use TALC to combat the fat of the hair, simply put a small? to quantity on hand and apply it on the scalp, you must then leave a few minutes and then combed typically, you have to take into account that the amount has to be very little, because otherwise it shows and it can be far worse.

We should not be forgotten that this is a temporary solution, is a remedy that helps conceal the grease from the hair, but does not kill her or her regulating.

scalp acne remedies

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Characteristics of healthy hair

Characteristics of healthy hair

When hair is "ill", note, it is fine, fragile, falls, breaks,....., but? how is healthy hair?, well, because although it is difficult to measure because each person has a type of hair, all they have to comply with some more or less general requirements such as:

?The force, a hair must not break very easily, especially to stretch it, has to withstand the pressure of moderately.
?The volume of the hair, is also a fact, a hair with volume has strength in the root, has life.
?The amount, is a less reliable data, as there are people who have little hair but it is healthy, but of which there is no doubt that those who have lots of hair, is a very positive development.
?The hair growth is also relevant, must follow a normal cycle and during warm periods increase its pace of growth.

scalp acne remedies

Washed frequently Yes, but with care

Yes, but carefully washed frequent

Norm, take a shower every day, for personal reasons and health, the daily hygiene of all and each of the parts of our body is essential. The hair is perhaps one of the parts of our body where the dirt is easily expressed in a visible way, this area of our body is very exposed because we played very often, environmental particles are deposited easily and often go uncovered, however it is an area that not we must punish excessively with chemicals while it is true that we must clean and take care on a daily basis if we do not want to start to lose our hairIt is for this reason that we must use products to its natural composition hygiene to the extent possible, products adapted to our type of hair.

scalp acne remedies

Sport of competition and hair do? d

Sport of competition and hair do? d

Indeed the practice of sport is good for the body in general and therefore hair, however when sport becomes a professional activity and competition on many occasions may be damaging to the hair, as used clothing or practice certain activities that all are beneficial to the natural state of the hair.

As a general rule when hair is wet it is more fragile, vulnerable and sport is synonymous with sweat and performed for many hours, then the result is obvious. In some cases it is much more clear, in swimming, the use of the CAP and chlorine from the water attack the hair, in hockey for example the use of the helmet nor benefits all hair. All this suggests that athletes have been very well choose products that wash and care for your hair to keep it healthy.

scalp acne remedies

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The solid blonde went to the hairdresser and went 'trasquilada' - Digital journalist

The former model Katie Price spent a whopping 11,000 pounds sterling (more than 12,600 euros) to bleach his hair and get extensions.

However, the girl didn't satisfied of the beauty salon, that the hairpieces made damage the scalp. A second stylist confirmed that, indeed, they have applied correctly and that, in addition, had shattered you the hair fiber; something that will take some time to heal.

Katie submitted a complaint to enable him to return the money, but the hairdresser only offers you 50% of what you paid, so the blonde is considering a lawsuit. The stylists seem not very disturbed by this:

"It does not bother us, in fact it is a relief." We serve the best stars of Hollywood. "It is not anyone."

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Natural remedies for hair loss or loss of hair - Pysn people & society news

The majority of the people experiencing hair loss while aging. However, people is discovering more and more than his hair is becoming increasingly thin, bald areas have emerged and the scalp is clearly visible to look in the mirror. Hair loss affects not only men, affects women also - of all ages, including children and teenagers!

Alopecia is the medical term used to describe the loss of hair or baldness. For many men and women who experience alopecia, it can be emotionally devastating and traumatic. The quality of life is often affected, which may eventually lead to severe depression and anxiety.

This condition can affect any part of the body that is covered with hair including the scalp, you brows, it beard or the pubic area. There are several types of female or male baldness associated with loss of hair that are classified by the cause. Some are permanent while other types are temporary.

Permanent hair loss can be classified by the following:

* The pattern baldness in men, also known as androgenetic alopecia, usually affects males in their teens or 20s early. Androgenic alopecia is distinguished by having hair on the sides of the head and baldness in the limit.

* Female pattern baldness, is also known as androgenetic alopecia. It is this complete hair loss in women - very rare they may lose the hair in patches and generally only begins to thin the front, sides or the Crown.

* Alopecia (which is marked with a scar) is also known as scarring alopecia. This type of hair loss destroys the hair follicle and the follicle is replaced by a scar tissue - cause permanent hair loss. Sometimes, there is no obvious symptoms and hair loss is gradual. In other cases, itching, burning or pain may occur. If the scalp is affected, certain scales and redness may be evident.

Temporary hair loss

* Alopecia areata tends to occur in small and round bald points. The loss of hair or bald patches usually occur on the scalp but it may also affect other areas as you brows, tabs or beard. If hair loss occurs at a point only, usually in the head, he referred to as alopecia areata monolocularis. If the hair is lost in the whole scalp, is alopecia Totalis. If hair loss occurs in the entire body, including pubic hair, this condition is known as alopecia universalis.

* Telogen effluvium is a condition characterized by a sudden hair loss as a result of an interruption in the normal hair growth cycle. The hair starts to thin and generally falls on the scalp, which is more responsive when you wash or be Combs hair.

Traction alopecia occurs as a result of certain tight hairdos like braids, Ponytail, cornrows, ribbons, pasta or twists that are used regularly. It is caused by pulling (chronic traction) of the hair follicle and samples of this type of hair loss mean headaches of tension, itchy, red scalp, bald patches to random and fracture of the hair around the scalp.

What causes alopecia?

There are several causes for specific types of alopecia as well as other underlying factors.

The causes of specific types of alopecia include:

(Androgenetic alopecia) pattern baldness occurs as a result of factors of the inheritance. It affects the age in which you start to become bald, the pattern, speed of development and to the extent of their hair loss

* Alopecia (which marks a scar) scar it is permanent and occurs when the hair follicle is marked with a scar and damaged by inflammation. This condition appears in numerous conditions of skin disease.

* Alopecia areata is defined as autoimmune disease. It is believed that genetic factors may make him develop.

* Telogen effluvium is caused by a change in its normal cycle as a result of physical or emotional tension (high fever, weight loss, loss of a member of the family, dietary deficiencies or surgery)

Traction alopecia is due to the hairstyle that pull the back of the hair too strongly or excessive hairstyling

Other factors that may contribute to alopecia include poor nutrition, certain medications, diseases such as diabetes and lupus as well as medical radiation therapy and chemotherapy treatments. Hormonal changes such as pregnancy, menopause, an active thyroid or strike and infections of the scalp can cause hair loss.

A pelo-tracción known as trichotillomania disorder is a mental disease that causes people to have the irrestible impulse of pulling of the hair on your scalp or any other area of your body. In addition, treatments for hair as money-laundering, dyeing, tight braid or hot bigudíes, can cause mark scarring hair follicles and hair reduction.

Diagnosis of alopecia

The diagnosis of alopecia is based on their physical symptoms, family and medical history. Your doctor will want to know the pattern and the rate of hair loss.

Some tests can also be to determine the cause of alopecia and to classify:

* Proof of circulation where several hairs are lacking to see how many come out

* The scratching of the skin involving a sample of skin or some hair from the scalp to determine if an infection is the cause of hair loss

* The biopsy involves taking a small section of the deeper layers of the skin (this test is usually when it is difficult to confirm a diagnosis)

* Other health tests to determine whether other diseases are the cause of hair loss

Help for hair loss

Although there is no cure for alopecia, it is estimated that 50% of the patient's hair will grow in a year without any treatment. Approximately 90% of people with hair loss will grow eventually, while in the other 10% of cases, only something or to hair grow. There are several treatment options available for alopecia that extends to corticosteroids, steroid injections, hair transplant, massage with natural oils or scalp reduction.

Corticosteroids can be administered orally, injected or applied as a topic - these drugs, however, may have some harsh side effects. Steroid injections are typically used for small areas of hair loss as the eyebrows. Phototherapy, often used to treat disorders of the skin, may also help to stimulate hair growth and improve the appearance of the hair. Massage with natural oils help the hair to grow stronger and more plentiful, feeding on the roots and promote the healthy growth of hair and delay excessive loss. Transplantation of hair and scalp reduction are surgical procedures used to cover bald areas.

Natural remedies

Holistic and natural treatments are a more quiet and effective alternative to treat loss of hair than harsh chemicals found in on-the-counter products and prescription. Use herbal and homeopathic remedies helps promote healthy, strong hair and supports the circulation, hormone balance and the functioning of the thyroid.

Herbal ingredients carefully selected as Ginkgo biloba, Rosmarinus officinale and Xanthoxylum clavaherculis promote the circulation of blood to ensure that the nutrient-rich blood reaches the hair follicles. In addition, Equisetum arvense, avena sativa and Echinacea also help to stimulate and nourish the tiny hair follicles.

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The natural remedies for baldness or hair loss - Pysn people & society news

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False myths about hair -

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Dec?logo de Falsos Mitos sobre el cabello

1 ?Es normal que se caigan 100 cabellos todos los d?as? El n?mero de fol?culos pilosos del cuero cabelludo es de 100.000-150.000. Cerca del 90% de los cabellos se encuentran en fase de crecimiento y el 10% de los mismos en fase de reposo, en la que los cabellos no tienen actividad. Dura unos 3 meses. A diario caen aproximadamente el 1% de los cabellos que est?n en esta fase. De aqu? se extrae la cuenta de 100 pelos por d?a. ?As? pues, es normal que todos los d?as se caigan alrededor de 100 cabellos. Adem?s, se debe considerar que cuando el pelo se cepilla o se lava, la manipulaci?n hace que muchos de los? pelos que est?n iniciando la fase de reposo, se desprendan. Es m?s importante y significativo el n?mero de cabellos que hay en la almohada que el que se nos cae al ducharse, para ?medir? si se trata de una ca?da normal o no. Svenson recomienda visitar a un experto cuando se observen alteraciones capilares para asegurarse del diagnostico correcto.

2 ?Por qué no me crece el pelo?

La genética determina la longitud m?xima de nuestro cabello. El pelo crece durante la fase de crecimiento, luego se inicia una fase de reposo y finalmente se cae. A todas las personas sanas les crece el pelo a la misma velocidad, 1cm al mes. Sin embargo, la duraci?n de la fase de crecimiento puede ser diferente en unas personas y en otras, variando de 2 a 7 a?os.

3 ?Por qué se cae m?s el cabello en primavera y oto?o?

Cuando se habla de la ca?da de cabello, siempre sale a relucir el concepto de alopecia estacional, esto es, la mayor pérdida de cabello en determinadas épocas del a?o, como la primavera y el oto?o. De hecho, el término alopecia, que fue acu?ado por primera vez por Hip?crates, hace alusi?n al zorro (alopex), que pierde su pelaje en oto?o y primavera. La coincidencia entre estas estaciones y la alopecia no se trata de una relaci?n causa-efecto, sino que tiene una explicaci?n en el desarrollo habitual del ciclo capilar: la fase tel?gena o de ca?da suele coincidir con los meses de agosto y septiembre, coincidiendo con la llegada del oto?o. Por tanto, e independientemente de la acci?n de factores como los medioambientales, estacionales o la edad, cuyo control no est? en nuestras manos, la mejor forma de retrasar la alopecia es ofrecer al cabello los cuidados que le aseguren un estado adecuado y, sobre todo, no bajar la guardia, actuando al menor s?ntoma.

Svenson recomienda asegurar la limpieza del cuero cabelludo con un producto adaptado al tipo de cabello que se tenga; alternar el champ? habitual con otro espec?fico para prevenir la ca?da del cabello; aclarar el cabello con agua tibia, evitando la temperatura excesivamente caliente; minimizar el uso del secador; evitar las tracciones (cepillados agresivos, peinados demasiado tirantes?).

4 ?Es saludable lavarse el cabello todos los d?as?

La frecuencia con la que se lava el cabello depende de la suciedad del mismo.? El pelo y el cuero cabelludo deben lavarse con frecuencia, diariamente incluso, como parte del ritual habitual de higiene personal. No es cierta la creencia de que el lavado frecuente del cabello no es conveniente porque pierde fuerza, se cae m?s, aumenta la grasa, sale m?s caspa, etcétera. Adem?s, el lavado frecuente del pelo debe ir acompa?ado de una correcta elecci?n del champ? a utilizar, preferiblemente de car?cter neutro.

Svenson recomienda el Shampoo C.D.L., con el que gracias a su f?rmula de compuesto de prote?nas vegetales naturales suaviza la cut?cula y? facilita el peinado. Es muy suave e ideal para lavados frecuentes, ya que no deshidrata e irrita. Est? indicado para todo tipo de cabellos por su suave acci?n y en especial para cabellos te?idos, con permanente, decolorados, ?speros etc.

5 ?Es perjudicial para el cabello usar el secador de aire caliente?

En s? mismo, su uso no resulta perjudicial; lo que hay que evitar es su abuso ya ?que?peinar con el secador?de forma muy reiterada y frecuente afecta a la salud capilar en dos sentidos. Por un lado, incide directamente en el aspecto de la cut?cula, la capa m?s externa, muy sensible a la acci?n de todos los factores agresivos que act?an sobre ella; concretamente, el calor que emite el?secador de cabello?puede deshidratarla en exceso y ablandar la queratina, un componente esencial de la cut?cula encargado de proteger la capa m?s interna del pelo y responsable del brillo y la elasticidad. Por otro, si no se aplica a la distancia y a la temperatura debidas del cuero cabelludo, puede da?ar el fol?culo, lo que a la larga favorece la?pérdida del cabello. La mejor forma?de peinar con el secador,?sacando todo el partido a las posibilidades de este aparato y preservar a la vez la salud capilar, es recurrir a su uso s?lo cu?ndo sea estrictamente necesario; desenredar y quitar el exceso de humedad del cabello con una toalla antes de aplicarlo; escoger la temperatura m?s baja posible; siempre que se pueda, optar por la posici?n en fr?o (especialmente recomendada cuando lo que se busca es fijar el rizo); y nunca acercarlo a menos de 5-10 cent?metros del cabello.?

6 ?Y te?irse?

Estos productos act?an en el cabello de dos formas: penetrando en su interior (caso de la coloraci?n permanente y la tono sobre tono), alterando el color de los pigmentos naturales mediante un proceso de oxigenaci?n; o qued?ndose en la cut?cula, colore?ndola temporalmente (coloraci?n semipermanente).?Indudablemente el uso de tintes no es bueno para el cabello, ya que tienen componentes como el amon?aco que lo da?an en su estructura. Ahora bien, no modifican el cuero cabelludo. Por ejemplo, hay muchos casos de mujeres que han acudido a los centros Svenson con un cuero cabelludo graso pero el tallo, el cabello, lo tienen seco y da?ado por los tintes.

7 ?Se cae m?s el cabello si se llevan extensiones o peinados ajustados?

Si se usan en muchas ocasiones extensiones, esto puede provocar la rotura de parte de su cabello. La alopecia puede venir a consecuencia del uso prolongado de pelo trenzado y el uso de extensiones. Si no se le pone remedio en poco tiempo esa pérdida puede ser irreversible. Los peinados apretados son una causa muy com?n la ca?da del cabello, mejor llevar el cabello al natural o con recogidos sueltos.?

Seg?n Juan Carlos V?zquez, coordinador médico de Svenson: ?Las extensiones y los peinados muy ajustados, coletas muy apretadas, etc., son, si se realizan con frecuencia, una de las causas de ca?da del cabello en la mujer. Pero evidentemente para que esta sea una causa ?nica, debe acompa?arse de otros problemas que provocan una debilidad del pelo, falta de nutrientes, dietas hipocal?ricas, y en casos muy graves trastornos de ?ndole psicol?gico.?

8 ?Cortarse el pelo con frecuencia hace que crezca m?s r?pido y con m?s fuerza?

Aunque es saludable sanear las puntas para que el cabello tenga mejor aspecto, no se ha encontrado relaci?n causa- efecto que avale el hecho de que el cabello se fortalece con este proceso. El problema de la ca?da del cabello no est? en el tallo sino en el fol?culo piloso.

Seg?n Juan Carlos V?zquez, coordinador médico de Svenson: ?El cortarse el cabello con frecuencia no hace que el pelo crezca m?s r?pido ni con m?s fuerza, esto es un mito. El pelo, tiene un ciclo de vida que no se altera por el hecho de cortarse el pelo con frecuencia. Hay que recordar que en la naturaleza, el hecho de cortarse el pelo no est? previsto? Debido a la velocidad de crecimiento del cabello y a su ciclo de vida, nunca llegar?amos a tenerlo muy muy largo, y siempre se est? renovando, lo cortemos o no.

9 ?Provoca el estrés la ca?da del pelo?

Tras pasar un periodo especialmente agobiante o cuando se han tenido momentos de mucha tensi?n, puede aparecer un tipo de alopecia conocida como ?alopecia areata?. Esta calvicie se caracteriza por la s?bita aparici?n de ?reas totalmente despobladas de cabello, siempre de forma circular y con tama?os que van desde la circunferencia de una moneda hasta a veces cubrir casi media cabeza. También puede aparecer por infecciones no tratadas, que aparentemente no tienen nada que ver con el cabello, como una caries en una muela.

10 ?Influye la alimentaci?n en la salud capilar?

Una buena alimentaci?n es de vital importancia para conseguir un pelo sano y espléndido. A la hora de evitar la ca?da del cabello y otros problemas capilares, hay que comenzar analizando la dieta que se est? realizando.

El ?cido f?lico y la vitamina B12 aseguran un pelo saludable, brillante y con gran elasticidad. Estos componentes los podemos encontrar, como nos recuerdan los expertos de Svenson, en alimentos como las lentejas, la espinaca hervida, los esp?rragos, la lechuga, el zumo de naranja o el huevo, entre otros.

El potasio, tercer mineral m?s abundante en nuestro cuerpo, también nos ayuda a mantener una melena envidiable. El potasio se encuentra en pl?tanos, frutas, legumbres (lentejas, garbanzos y alubias) y? levadura de cerveza, entre otros.

Con la llegada del buen tiempo, los zumos o batidos de frutas o verduras pueden ser una opci?n muy recomendable para, adem?s de guardar la l?nea, cuidar el cabello.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Massage of the scalp - Pysn people & society news

What is the importance of the massage of the scalp?
Hair needs blood supply to grow healthy and strong, so it is not only good to use a good shampoo or a good washing cream, but also use all available means to make that lubricate by increasing blood circulation.
How can we achieve that?
Well seriously using modalities as infrared or through the increase in the heat of the area with a shower hot focusing the water jet in the area of the scalp that needs to improve irrigation, or notice that the hair is weaker.
Also through the use of the massage with hands pressing in a circle, the fingers of the hand on the scalp and thus taking off from the skull in firmly and paused without dragging the hair.
By doing so every day we get a little more healthy and strong.
For more information about massage, go to
Course of massage on the Internet

Fernando Buet

Kinesiologist physiatrists

relaxing massage feet
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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«Capillary treatments are required to have a healthy hair» - La Voz de Galicia

This vocational training, with thirty a?os of experience, offers a personalized hair care service? Care for the scalp is as important as hydrating the skin. For this reason, the sal?n of peluquer?a of Mar?a Dolores Outeiral provides treatment espec?fico for each case.Do-?Por qu? recommends the hair treatments? -They are required to have a healthy hair, so this has brightness and life. There are t?cnicos, such as the dyes and the desrizados works, which are somewhat aggressive and the protecci?n of the hair is essential.Do-?Con qu? periodicity should be? -In the sal?n, once a month or a week, that depends on the type of hair and its State. Tambi?n are important care at home.-?Cu?l is the process? -We have a service of treatment called Alchemy. Lets tackle the dryness of hair, dander, and fat. Adem?s, increases the durability of the color in the case of persons who have dye. It's a custom process to meet the specific needs of the client. This treatment consists of a mask and an infusi?n are mixed, the components are different in funci?n of the problem to address. The combinaci?n is implemented by a massage and are despu?s leaves about 10 minutes with steam, which favors the penetraci?n in the scalp.Do-?Los men tambi?n require these services? -Although tambi?n suffer from dermatitis and dandruff problems, they attend less peluquer?a than women to receive this type of treatment. It is not that do not require them, but that cared for less in this aspect. However, tambi?n have to say that increasingly are m?s males who are interested in the care of the hair.-In summer, the hidrataci?n is m?s important. -Of course, because the heat affects the scalp.

Operation Geronimo - the FREETHINKER

When the operation that would have killed Bin Laden put him the name of operation Geronimo? Prescott Bush was in 1918, the student association, Skull & Bones (skull and bone). Challenged by his colleagues, he invaded an apache cemetery and stole the scalp of the legendary Chief Geronimo.

Owner of land in Texas, Prescott became a businessman's success in the oil industry and was a close friend of John Foster Dulles, who ran the CIA when the assassination of John Kennedy, in 1963. Dulles convinced his friend to return to the Apache Geronimo scalp.

Bush did so, but it was not long until the Indians discovered that the hair returned was fake.

Friendship with Dulles granted to the eldest son of Prescott, George H. Bush, the post of CIA agent. George coordinated invasion of Bay of pigs, Cuba, in 1961, to try to topple the regime put in place by the guerrillas of Sierra Maestra. Despite the defeat, he was appointed director of the CIA, in 1976.

Prescott Bush applauded business smell of his son when he became friends with an Arab businessman travelling often to Texas: Muhammad Bin Laden. In 1968, flying over Bush in Texas oil wells, Bin Laden was killed in a plane crash. But already it had consolidated the family ties.

George Bush not mourned the death of his friend. He was more concerned with the school difficulties of his son George w. Bush, who only got a grade point average of C. By then the war of Viet Nam was complicated and, to avoid that his son was called up, George tried to enlist in the air force of the National Guard.

Father George encouraged his son to found his own oil company, the Bush (bush) in the 1970s, Energy. The international contacts that the father had since their time in the CIA, George son sought investments of Khaled Bin Mafouz and Salem Bin Laden, the largest of the 52 sons of the late Muhammad.

Mafouz was banker of the Saudi royal family and was married to one of the Sisters of Salem. These family ties allowed Mafouz to become President of the Blessed Relief, the Arab NGO which was one of the brothers of Salem, Osama Bin Laden.

In December 1979, George H. Bush traveled to Paris for a meeting between Republicans and supporters of Khomeini to treat the release of the 64 American hostages kidnapped in the Embassy of United States in Tehran. It was avoided that President Jimmy Carter is worth of the episode and would undermine the presidential claims of Ronald Reagan. Dad George made the journey to the French capital on board the Jet of Salem Bin Laden, that he facilitated contact with the Islamic world. Salem, like his father, in a disaster of aviation died in 1988.

That year the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Father George, who coordinated the operations of the CIA, resorted to Osama, one of the brothers of Salem, who accepted to infiltrate Afghanistan to, guided by the CIA, to strengthen the Afghan resistance against the atheistic Communists.

In 1979, at the request of George Bush's father, director of the CIA, Osama, of 23 years, moved to Afghanistan to manage the financial resources to the covert operations of the Agency against the Soviet invasion of that country. Concerned with the Moscow offensive, the Government of the United States had given the greater amount of money that the CIA was never to appear in a single country: US $ 200 billion.

When President George w. Bush, after 11 September, cited, as an annex crime to terrorism, "illicit use of privileged information", knew of what was talking about. Then, thanks to this information, Osama Bin Laden set up his terrorist network in the world, mobilizing resources through tax havens.

If the scalp of Geronimo was false, who guaranteed that Bin Laden was killed in a Pakistani mansion? Do not have been more useful to grasp it alive and force him to reveal all about Al Qaeda? I have no doubt that, in some aircraft carrier of the United States, Bin Laden is being tortured to tell what he knows. Then just take the "Argentine solution", or to throw his body into the sea. And not so find stranded on a beach, there are still sharp teeth of the fish of the deep.

Frei Betto

Philosopher and writer. Author of "Calendar of power"

Note: Data are the Italian analyst Francesco Piccioni. More details in the book to fortunate are: George w. Bush and the making of an American president, Steve Hatfield.

Tricks anti-dandruff - RCN Radio

The dander, is characterized by the detachment of small scales and, in some cases, itching of the scalp.

Rinse anti-dandruff of parsley (especially for oily hair)
2 tablespoons fresh parsley
1 litre of water
Boil the parsley in water for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, let cool and strain.
Use this tea as a rinse after shampoo. Does not clarify.

Egg anti-dandruff shampoo
2 egg yolks
1/4 infusion nettle
cider vinegar
Beat two egg yolks in a quarter of a cup of tea of nettle and it massages the scalp for 5-10 minutes.Rinse with water and put an end to a final rinse in vinegar diluted in a little nettle infusion.

Shampoo anti-dandruff of herbs
Fresh rosemary,
Stinging nettle
Blue bar SOAP
You will boil, in 1 litre of water for 10 minutes a handful of fresh rosemary, one of thyme and Sage.
Then you must add two handfuls of nettles fresh, boil for two minutes more and put out the fire.
Let marinate until that is cold and filter. Return to put fluid on the heat and add 5 tablespoons of (well grated) Blue SOAP and stir until it is dissolved. Remove from heat, let cool and package it.

Aromatic rinsing anti-dandruff
20 grams of fresh rosemary
30 grams of mint
1 liter of cider vinegar
Combine all ingredients in a glass jar and let that they maceren for 15 days. Background this time, strain and is used after the shampoo diluted with water.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Yes it is possible to beat the baldness - El Colombiano

Brush l?ser, vibrators, t?nicos m?gicos, champ?s that seem to return time and even ins?litos menjurjes, like this, which recommended to apply on the scalp "a hot paste" by mixing olive oil with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of ground cinnamon.

MIL "solutions" are offered against alopecia male and, finally, leaves floated a liar and bitter conclusi?n: that the single hair ca?da stopped the ground, nothing goes against baldness.

S? there are c?mo stop her, say surgeons, dermat?logos and other m?dicos specialists.

The good news is not a scoop of ?ltimo time, however, a?n are thousands who are unaware of the aparici?n of a pu?ado from medicines that "changed the history of baldness".

The afirmaci?n is of Philip Mart?nez, specialist in cirug?a pl?tica and Reconstructive. "There are thousands of things in the televisi?n, but that really serve, only are these drugs", says.

Refers to Finasteride and Minoxidil. The first prevents the ca?da of the hair. "If it takes it before you fall hair barely notice the first s?ntomas", says Mart?nez, "almost the hair gets to fall".

For its part, Minoxidil promotes the care of the hair fol?culos, the real producers of hair in the body. "Hair is like a ?rbol." "The key is not the stem, which is what is going on the outside, but the ra?z", explains the dermat?logo Francisco Eladio G?mez.

The skinny side has a feared side, perhaps less dear in the men's g?nero that same alopecia. About two percent of those who take Finasteride suffer from impotence, se?ala G?mez. However, he says, the adverse effect can be reversed immediately simply leaving taking the drug.

Do not fall into the trap
Experts agree, and are enf?tico to recommend specialized treatment. Nothing of "recipes" quasi or toothbrushes "?ltima tecnolog?a".

"The mayor?a, not to say that all those things that appear in televisi?n, have no record of the Invima, or have been tested by ning?n independent study."

They talk about a few studies but go and see if any, or qui?n to pay them. This is a business that does not est? controlled by no one. It does not follow standards.

"Drugs used are very controlled and all of them have detr?s a great investigaci?n", se?ala Rodrigo Restrepo, Professor and expert on dermopatolog?as.

Francisco Eladio G?mez, for its part, recommended to consult "when todav?a have hair and not est?n as a billiard ball." "The m?s early see, much better will be the results".

?Un case made progress?
One in two people, says, may suffer from alopecia androgen?tica or p?rdida of the hair in alg?n time of your life.

"It is a normal response." All men know that from puberty entries in the front are beginning to be pronounced m?s. The hairs are slimming, van miniaturizando. "Get chiquiticos", says Rodrigo Restrepo.

The good news is that adem?s that baldness is controllable, tambi?n can be reversed. This is thanks to the implantaci?n of micrograft through an intervenci?n quir?rgica that is offered in numerous specialized centres of the city.

The intervenci?n is to move, "hair to hair", from the occipital regi?n graft to the affected area. It is performed by an interdisciplinary team, and seg?n the degree of alopecia, you need one, two or three sessions.

During each one of them, which takes approximately six hours of work in the quir?fano, they are planted around 2,500 hairs.

"99 Per cent of the alopecia are gen?ticas." In this type of baldness is does not fall the hair of the occipital regi?n (the part of atr?s of the head, close to the neck). "This hair who moves brings the gen?tica where informaci?n sali?, rather than where is planting", explains the surgeon Mart?nez.

The est?ticos of this intervenci?n progress are evident in comparaci?n with the thrown by grafting of greater extensi?n, used a?os atr?s. "The t?cnicas are much improved." "The results est?ticos are supremely good," says Rodrigo Restrepo.

During the ?ltimos a?os, this intervenci?n has taken force around the world. In the city, perhaps from five years ago. Many have decided to combat baldness, an enemy est?tico finally est? giving.

A ?ltima opci?n to treat alopecia is the raised by Rodrigo Restrepo.

For ?l, tambi?n can learn to live with a condici?n maybe in a few a?os to become the predominant est?tico patr?n. One that denote and assess the "experience and the sabidur?a".

Dyes without ammonia to protect the scalp - La Voz de Galicia

The fear of te?ir the hair is going to end. The new dyes without ammonia or products qu?micos harmful to the health of the scalp make increasingly are m?s women are encouraged to change their image.Keratin is again the substance that makes that vary the color of the hair is not sin?nimo of a hair gloss without force. With a pleasant smell of mel?n ?cido, these specialized products offer customer the possibility to take care of the hair without leaving to cover gray hair or ra?ces.The cost of applying dyes without amon?aco is pr?cticamente the same as the treatment with conventional, aggressive and increasingly less used m?s. In the peluquer?a of Ram?n Fern?ndez grows the demand for these products. Word of mouth has made that increasingly m?s women demand that keratin be substance to look after his mane.

"Cuerito" macheteó them - Diario La Opinión

Breaking the dry law to prop?sito of the Popular consultation that took place yesterday in all the pa?s in the barrio San Mart?n to the South of Machala is propag? a hellish fight. The effects of alcohol and drugs allowed Colonel Henry (a) ?El Cuerito? attacked with a machete chop to two of its neighbours.

Javier Alvarado (40) afirm? Colonel was who the atac? and her acestara several deep cuts on the elbow of the left arm and part of the scalp.

At approximately 10: 10 arrib? to the emergency room of the D?vila Te?filo Hospital in an ambulance of the fire brigade quej?ndose, clutching his arm victimado any amount of blood that emanated.

A friend of the patient cont? that Alvarado ?no escaped from the consumption of alcohol and drugs and lleg? the other qui?n know qu? raz?n you entr? to machete?, deduced the interviewee. He deduced that the v?ctima m?s cr?tica of the RAID was acompa?ado by Alexander Dominguez, who to defend his friend tambi?n recibi? their dose of the abrupt punishment.

Dominguez in the same way consumed hab?a substance alucin?gena and recibi? courts in the same areas where his friend Javier the recibi?, in the left arm and cut of approximately 8 cm in the scalp which was sutured by a crystal of question time.

Relatives of Javier Alvarado confirmed to the representatives of the local press that indeed Henry Colonel (a) ?El Cuerito? is the alleged perpetrator of the attacks, and while the two v?ctimas were transferred to the person responsible for emergency was at home sleeping.

Not scrapped immediately put the complaint to the fiscal?a of the day, so they took pictures and collected the informaci?n needed to be Colonel charged with the offence committed. SEG?n one of the brothers of Alvarado who is aware of the bad life that leads cowards to another h. ?es.p attacked them as?, not descart? to personal retaliate, but said that the pensar?a twice.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What I can not sweat? There are several options to recover the natural state of... - Pysn people & society news

Luckily, there are many things you can do to not sweat.

The first is washing areas sweat with plenty of water and SOAP. This serves to eliminate fungi and bacteria that have spread on the skin due to the accumulation of sweat. The bacteria are in part responsible for the odor with perspiration.

After washing, dry you good with a towel, to keep moisture on the skin that can promote the growth of bacteria.

You can then apply an antiperspirant product in places in which most Swiss. There are specific for each part of the body antiperspirant products: underarms, feet, face and scalp, etc. The application of these substances makes sweat glands secrete less sweat, so it is one of the best things you can do to not sweat.

It is also good to always have your hygiene products and your antiperspirants, in order to apply several times a day.

Another thing you can do to not sweat, is to always choose pieces of cotton or natural fibers, which allow the movement of air over the skin, by evaporating the sweat generated and preventing it from collecting.

Other options are:

-Applying the skin clean and dry, perfumed talc, that keeps the skin dry and desodorizada.

-Baking can also work to decrease sweating in the armpits and feet.

-It is said that the application of boric acid in areas that most sudan helps to reduce sweating.

-Other home remedy to reduce sweat can be applied on the skin clean and dry, with a cotton, a solution composed of two parts vinegar and alcohol.

-It says that the juice of lemon, applied directly to the armpits, not only reduces the sweat, but it also acts as a deodorant.

There are natural remedies for excessive sweating. So, you can fight your excessive sweating using very simple remedies that you can make at home. If you want to remove your Hyperhidrosis then I suggest that you click here to read my best recommendations for excessive sweating.

car crash

Related sweating Articles


Luckily, there are many things you can do to not sweat.

The first is washing areas sweat with plenty of water and SOAP. This serves to eliminate fungi and bacteria that have spread on the skin due to the accumulation of sweat. The bacteria are in part responsible for the odor with perspiration.

After washing, dry you good with a towel, to keep moisture on the skin that can promote the growth of bacteria.

You can then apply an antiperspirant product in places in which most Swiss. There are specific for each part of the body antiperspirant products: underarms, feet, face and scalp, etc. The application of these substances makes sweat glands secrete less sweat, so it is one of the best things you can do to not sweat.

It is also good to always have your hygiene products and your antiperspirants, in order to apply several times a day.

Another thing you can do to not sweat, is to always choose pieces of cotton or natural fibers, which allow the movement of air over the skin, by evaporating the sweat generated and preventing it from collecting.

Other options are:

-Applying the skin clean and dry, perfumed talc, that keeps the skin dry and desodorizada.

-Baking can also work to decrease sweating in the armpits and feet.

-It is said that the application of boric acid in areas that most sudan helps to reduce sweating.

-Other home remedy to reduce sweat can be applied on the skin clean and dry, with a cotton, a solution composed of two parts vinegar and alcohol.

-It says that the juice of lemon, applied directly to the armpits, not only reduces the sweat, but it also acts as a deodorant.

There are natural remedies for excessive sweating. So, you can fight your excessive sweating using very simple remedies that you can make at home. If you want to remove your Hyperhidrosis then I suggest that you click here to read my best recommendations for excessive sweating.

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Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Skin cleansing - Pysn people & society news

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In his pet dander - Pysn people & society news

Dandruff are epithelial cells of the outer layer of the skin. These dead cells form scales on the surface layer of the skin and end up entangled in the skin of an animal.

What causes dandruff?

Dander can cause sensitivity to a fungus that is present in the scalp or infection. Active oil glands in the skin can also pass the dandruff. Conversely, if obstacles are oil glands, skin can be excessively dry and produces dry scales.

The cold weather and dry environments can also give rise to dander in your pet - as well as tension or a weakened immune system. The layer of an animal is the first sample of the health and vitality and dandruff can make your pet layer appear ugly and unhealthy.

Dandruff can also result from food allergies or intolerances, while the skin itchy can lead to scratch and hair loss. Excessive washing your pet can also lead to flaky dry skin. This happens when the production of the natural oils (present in the skin of your pet) - to counter the dry skin caused by frequent washing, oil glands secrete too much oil.

Diagnosis of dandruff

The diagnosis and treatment will depend on the cause of dandruff. Most of the animals will experience dry skin at some point in their lives, and with proper care, the majority of the problems of skin are easily corrected. Depending on the cause, treatment may involve a topical cream (but these may also have the potential for side effects). Your veterinarian may suggest supplementing with omega-3 oils in the diet.

Help the dandruff with natural remedies

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Skin cleansing - Pysn people & society news

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Care of the hair N ° 11 - the dandruff - RufinoWeb

Care of the hair No. 11 - DANDRUFFBy Oscar Bertolín - cutter stylist - Spain 269

Many people believe that dandruff is the product of the lack of hygiene. But this is not the case. This condition is due to an abnormal flaking of the scalp.

In most cases the appearance of dandruff is associated: stress, fatigue, digestive disorders, poor circulation blood, lack of nerve stimulation, seborrheic dermatitis, inadequate diet, injury or even by an infection and also by a fungus.

There are two types of dandruff: the dry and the greasy.

Dandruff dry: he is the one that forms on the dry scalp, where dandruff doesn't stick with tallow and the scales that form will take off easily.

It is inconvenient because it fills our clothes from unpleasant white dots that make us look dirty and scruffy.

This type of dandruff can be caused by lack of nerve stimulation, poor diet, intestinal, emotional disorders or glands.

Regular massages with antiseptic lotions are good to counter this type of dandruff.

Seborrheic or greasy dandruff: occurs in the cabelludos leather employing in excess of the sebaceous glands. Sebum increases on the surface and he sticks the dandruff.

This dandruff is usually of liver origin and is painful because the scalp tends to irritate it and produces an unbearable itching, where to scratching one hurts.

It also produces an unpleasant smell. You must be careful because this type of dandruff can cause alopecia (fall). It is called Seborrheic alopecia.

The fall begins in the fronto-parietal areas and ends depopulated, after a time, almost all the scalp, except the edge or marginal encirclement (i.e. the sides).

The younger who has more negative prognosis. Coming to between 200 and 300 daily hair. You must always consult a doctor.

Lotion onion anti-dandruff: extract an onion juice and rub on the scalp. Leave to act half an hour and wash with mild soap (of the ochre clothes). Apply 2 times a week.

Conditioner: squeeze 2 lemons and their juice to use it as conditioner after shampoo, is left to act a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. The hair will be shiny and soft.

A hug for everyone. Oscar.

Even when there is justice - Bloomberg

This story is about a real case. The names have been changed and some details have been omitted.

A woman is kidnapped in the city centre and the DNIC is faced with a mystery that has an obligation to resolve. This story is about a real case. The names have been changed and some details have been omitted.

Witnesses. Witnesses told police that her took three men dressed in black, with ski masks covering their face and the legend "Police" written on the back of the bullet-proof vests to Carmen. They were armed with 9 mm pistols and one of them was crossed on the chest a rifle "as those who use the police". Two men advanced toward the girl, who was doing row to go up to the collective taxi, told him something close to the ear and one of them grabbed her arm. Carmen wanted to shout, but the man covered his mouth with his gloved hand while one of his colleagues opened the door rear of a Nissan double red cabin that approached them suddenly.

The girl disappeared in a blink of an eye and the car went his way, making squeaking wheels back, then to Miss between trafficking in Central Tegucigalpa. The operation lasted less than five seconds. The motor that arrived at the scene 10 minutes later reported by radio of the kidnapping, but it was too late. They were just nine in the morning.

Read the full story...

Monday, May 30, 2011

How our dog comb of gold - Pysn people & society news

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Treatment of female baldness - Pysn people & society news

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Hair problems - Bloomberg

Dandruff is a condition that attacks to the scalp and other areas of the body that have hair, and is often characterized by the presence of abundant scales that break off and accumulate between the hairs.

It produces an itching which exacerbates the suffering of the same and that scratching, it stimulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands and this can cause lesions which if not treated can become infected.

Types of dandruff. It should be noted that there are two types of dandruff: dry and thick.

Dry dandruff.

His appearance is characterized by fine scales that are spread form of white dust and is very easy to remove because reflected by brushing the hair, but she quickly reappears again.

Greasy dandruff.

It usually appears when there is a hormonal or disorders in adolescence due to high production of sebaceous glands, on the scalp. Their scales are greasy and difficult to remove.

How fight it.

However, there are natural ways to combat your symptoms and to correct this problem. Boil a liter of water, and when you are boiling add stems and leaves of celery, let it boil for 5 minutes, and rubbing the scalp with this infusion, can solve the problem of dandruff.


Also we can boil beet roots, and use the water to perform massages with the tips of the fingers in a circle, to promote the movement, during the night. Applied to the scalp not just lemon juice will give you brightness, but it will also help you prevent dandruff. You can prepare a rinse with three tablespoons of thyme per cup of water, boil for 10 minutes and put this mix once washed hair, then rinse with warm water.

The Vera is excellent, use the inner part and apply directly on your scalp rub the gel until that penetrate completely. Make an infusion with two tablespoons of thyme and nettle, boil them for five minutes, filter and use to perform massage before washing. Do not forget to rinse.

Until next week, write me for inquiries to

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

3 Ailments Which will Telephone So that you can Gas An individual's Hair

In the event you model nice hair on a daily basis, have got under-active sweat glands, or perhaps dandruff, them is a great idea to implement acrylic.
It is really legitimate this scalp can be your greatest offer, although for them of showing you will away good, you should address it whilst your scalp perfect. You may attend to a person's scalp naturally. Natural ingredients for example essential cooking oils are being used to build this product which usually nurtures the epidermis probably the most. If you'd like a person's scalp and additionally locks that they are mainly because healthy and even fabulous as is possible, take into account working with necessary fats, for instance Moroccan argan wild hair fat. That and lots of alternative skin oils experience inherent real estate and vitamins and minerals which usually enable nurture a scalp along with market the wellbeing. It's important to know what exactly a person's scalp’ s state is normally in order to make your mind up if or not it is advisable to submit an application petrol in there along with what type you must consider. Locations hints you must have to make note of as you decide no matter whether you must gasoline any scalp.
Your hair is definitely removed associated with significant nutrients and even fluids while you frequently design and style hair by using curly hair color goods along with powerful shampoos. Bad wild hair techniques, just like over-shampooing, over-washing and also under-conditioning, generate this scalp junk and additionally trigger frizzy hair to check dull. You may want to cure ones scalp by using a lot of moisturizing as well as healthy eating plan, particularly if people design and style nice hair habitually along with many commercial your hair treatment plan products and solutions. To help energize all the scalp as well as help it to set up more in the country's skin oils, rub down them and additionally utilize the correct oil. Moroccan petrol -- and also Argan lube - is certainly renowned designed for featuring moisture content to your scalp. Nurture a person's scalp using a purely natural essential oil loaded in nutritional vitamin supplements and antioxidants.
Dried up scalp by using under-active sebaceous glands
Dried scalps usually are a discomforts associated with sweat glands that happen to be not manufacturing sufficiently petrol. Stirring scalp petrol is completed by using motor oils through of lemon, green tea woods, myrrh, coconut, and also coconut oil. Once you fat a person's scalp basic motor oils, a microscopic holes have initiated as well as deliver more lube of these personally own. If you ever love chilling out of you might attempt Camellia engine oil. Remaining hair dryness may be increased through contact with direct sunlight, nonetheless, camellia acrylic, by using loaded suppliers about vitamin e, as well has homes of your purely natural sunscreen.
Scalps plagued by dandruff There are numerous stuffs that causes dandruff. Deciding upon the sort of oil that's suitable for your face is determined by explanation for ones own main issue by using dandruff. Dandruff can be the result of a yeast-like actual fungus located on the scalp that spreads to the herbal oils present in the software. Herbal tea hardwood lube is fantastic for instances like that. Any dry up, flaky scalp could cause dandruff, at the same time. To be able to resist that, you can test the herbal oils out of sandalwood, myrrh or perhaps chamomile.
Bring excellent care within your health and is visually along with significant oils. You should know what exactly petrol is useful for you will. To find out more regarding the key benefits of skin oils for those scalp and how one can start treating your hair and additionally scalp by using.

source:scalp acne remedies

How To experience a 鎻妑izz-FreeSummer Give Your hair!

Lots of people are actually developed having by natural means stunning, smooth, bright tresses and get was able to maintain them in which.   Nonetheless let’ vertisements have to deal with it again, they can be typically the exclusions.   Almost everyone often possess genetically locks and also contain were able to problems it all year after year.   We tend to need to deal with typically the “ frizzies” at some point and / or a second, but it consistently appears to be more painful in your summer time.

Alright, so what are able to most of us complete to undertake a “ Frizz-free” the summer months?

Initially let’ ohydrates look into examples of the ingredients that promote frizziness.     All year round, a lot of our mane possesses to get over punishment through wild hair dryers and even straightening golf irons, and synthetics through color, perms, hair straighteners and various tresses maintenance systems.   While in the the hot months most of us grow of which sunlight vulnerability, sodium the water along at the beachfront, chlorine through private pools, of course big moisture content.   All of our mane doesn’ l have got a risk!

Though almost everyone commonly are not eager to give that up possibly a doing your hair, and / or those actions who deterioration your locks, usually there are some easy elements we're able to achieve to attenuate the issues on the applied warmer summer months strains.

Sunrays Getting exposed

·                 Resolution : slip on some sort of do not lik, and / or employ a tresses solution accompanied by a sunscreen

Sodium The water & Chlorine  

·                 Answer -- even while there can be men and women who would suggest cellular lining any curly hair along with an oil like cocoa powder butter, purely rinsing this locks diligently when cooling off together with with a health proteins shampoo feels like an doable alternative

Whereas these are typically very easy to use in addition to common-sense thoughts, many will defend flowing hair by extra ruin.

Whenever we tend to restore your already-damaged tresses as well as prevail over that frizzies?

  Basically, give food nice hair.   That they are strong, vivid, plus frizz-free, tresses needs to have quite a lot of water as well as correct steadiness in peptids together with pure essential oil.   Your tresses consist of residing skin cells very similar to the other parts of the physical structure, plus, like the relax of the human body this requires to be nourished.     Tresses constantly encountered with the whole set of harassing treatment solution named above haven't primarily have their keratin meats harmed, and yet possesses shed a number it's suppleness and even capability hold seepage.   It takes a little bit of TLC to create the item here we are at existence!

  Luckily for us, usually there are some merchandise readily available which assist in conduct except.   Numerous its possible you have long been ability to hear in relation to lately will be Moroccan Your hair Gasoline products and services.   Them basically include Argan petrol (from Morocco) that may be acknowledged as a successful cause of antioxidants, UV safeguards, efas, free-radical neutralizers, plus nutrients.   In the event that the following will sound like a product always be choosing as an alternative for sporting hair, its –   it is in reality made use of in making with Morocco. This original “ super fruit for the purpose of hair” is referred to by repair cellphone membrane layer harm, develop robustness, plus develop some safety filter towards moving forward green pressures together with humidity reduction.     The end result of entire body health food will be repair with come on your your hair, your health boosting scalp, plus mended divided up ceases.   Eliminate “ frizzies”!

Argan fat is searched by Moroccan ladies since then to its natural and even cosmetic dental features.   Might be it’ 's time period most of us discovered from their site plus accomplish this all-natural, chemical-freesolution so that you can unnecessary typically the deterioration we’ ve undertaken with fabric dyes in addition to perms, as well as over- experience of healthy hazardous components for instance sodium liquid together with ultra violet rays.   This could solely guidance you “ whip typically the frizzies” come july 1st!

source:scalp acne remedies